En equipo de iluminación: licitaciones, compras publicas 2025. Página № 4


total: 2844
25 jan

Número: 117895858

País: Egypt

Fuente: RFQ

24 jan
KMCHS-420 - Framework Agreement for the Supply of Street Lighting Equipment - Yorkshire Alliance Contract (EN) Agregar a favoritos
Precio inicial del contrato: 7 278 078 (EUR)
Importe original: 6 400 000 (GBP)

Cliente: Kirklees Council

Número: 117887714

País: United Kingdom

Fuente: gov.uk Contracts Finder

16 jan
Re-advertisement: Quotations are hereby invited for occupational health and safety services for a period of 3 years. Scope of work: • Safety File: Create a health and Safety file; • Injury on Duty: Assist to report Injuries on Duty (IOD) and provide support; • OHS Update: Share OHS Act updates and to provide support to the Client; • Regular Safety Audits: Conduct monthly comprehensive safety audits or inspection across the facilities to ensure compliance with OHS standards and identify potential hazards, for the main Office in Auckland Park office and the Franschhoek office; • Training: Provide Online quarterly training and workshops tailored for the employees and students, focusing on OHS best practices and safety protocols. Further, to provide the following training for OHS Committee members on each of the training courses. Head Office: First Aid training level 1, 2 and 3 for OHS committee x 8: • First aid training level 1, 2, and 3 for lecturing staff x 11; • Fire Fighting training for OHS committee x 8; • Evacuation Drill training for OHS committee x 8; • SHE Representatives training for OHS committee x 8; • Incident investigator training for OHS committee x 8; • Management responsibility training x 18; Franschhoek: • Fire Fighting training for OHS committee members x 4; • First Aid training for OHS committee members x 4; • SHE Representative for committee members x 4; • Incident investigator training for OHS committee x 4; • Evacuation Drill training for OHS committee x 4. Health and Safety Equipment: supply and deliver consumables for 8 first aid boxes and 5 first aid bags twice in each year. An once-off supply of 2 loud hailers with batteries. Labelled OHS Bibs and 3 Rechargeable flashlights (preferably waterproof, with a long battery life, and a high-lumen output). Supply and deliver once-off colour-coded hard hats as follows: • Head Office: First Aider x 3; • Fire Fighting x 3; • SHE Representatives x 2; • Franschhoek: Firefighting x 1; • First Aider x 2; • SHE representatives x 1; • Risk Assessments: Perform detailed risk assessments for the facilities and equipment used at the Client to mitigate any safety risks associated with these items every year and as it when new equipment is introduced; • Emergency Preparedness: Participate in all emergency evacuation preparedness meetings and participate in at least 2 drills per year, including the planning phase up to and including the day of the emergency drill; • Supply Safety Gear: Supply colour-coded reflectors for all the OHS committee members consistent with their appointments; • Head Office: First Aider x 2; • Fire Fighting x 2; • Evacuation Drill x 2; • SHE Representatives x 2; • Incident investigators x 2; • Franschhoek: Firefighting x 1; • First Aider x 2; • SHE representatives; • Conduct testing on the following: Perform hygiene compliance and produce an assessment or survey report on the status of conformity each year. Factors such as indoor air quality, HVAC, temperature, lighting, noise levels and humidity should be considered; • Perform water testing: issue monitoring report on quality of potable water for Client, compared with the limits as set out in SANS 241: 2015; • Certificate: Ensure the Annual Compliance Certificate is issued when due; • OHS Templates: Provide access to appointment letter templates, inspection templates, work instructions, toolbox talk; • Workplace posters: to provide combo of 4 x 4 workplace posters to ensure compliance with OHS, such as OHS, Skills Development, Basic Conditions of Employment, and Employment Equity and limited frames; • OHS Regulations: Supply three copies of the revised edition of the Occupational Health and Safety Act No. 85 of 1993 and regulations. (EN) Agregar a favoritos

Número: 117470849

País: South Africa


08 jan

Número: 117175238

País: Iraq

Fuente: RFQ

08 jan
Procurement of Safety Test Equipment for General Lighting (EN) Agregar a favoritos
Cliente: Central public Procurement portal India

Número: 117185214

País: India

Fuente: Central public Procurement portal India

08 jan
Procurement of Safety Test Equipment for General Lighting (EN) Agregar a favoritos
Cliente: Central public Procurement portal India

Número: 117190987

País: India

Fuente: Central public Procurement portal India

08 jan
Trainers, Tracksuits, Indoor Lighting, Music Equipment (EN) Agregar a favoritos
Fecha límite para solicitudes en: 10 days
Cliente: Made-in-china

Número: 117199189

País: United Kingdom

Fuente: Made-in-china

23 dec
Request for Quotation (Lease of Equipment: Sounds System, Lighting Equipment, etc.) (UK) Agregar a favoritos
Precio inicial del contrato: 5 188 (EUR)
Importe original: 300 000 (PHP)