en equipo de compresor: licitaciones, compras publicas 2025. Página № 5


total: 361
02 jun

Número: 105396984

País: Kuwait

Fuente: RFQ

18 apr

Número: 103033956

País: United States

Fuente: RFQ

13 apr
Air Compressor Test Equipment (EN) Agregar a favoritos
Cliente: Made-in-china

Número: 102808763

País: Nigeria

Fuente: Made-in-china

11 apr

Número: 102614825

País: Colombia

Fuente: RFQ

09 apr
Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Major service and 36-month statutory inspection of Boiler 2 (John Thompson coal-fired steam boiler) as well as ancillary equipment neglected in the boiler house: Specifications: • Strip the boiler as required for external and internal inspection, • Chemical clean of water side (acid wash), • HP cleaning of tubes, as required, • Sand blasting of tubes & shell, as required, • Service/repair of stoker mat and stoker drive, • Service of all valves, including test certificates for safety valves, • Calibration of pressure gauges, • Refurbishment of gauge glass assembly, cocks, and Mabrey level controls, • Refurbish the FD fan, and ID fan (replace all belts and bearings), • Replacement of guillotine door, and cables, • Replace ignition arch, side seals, etc, • Rebuild the ash wall, • Refurbish 2 x Grundfos feed pumps, • Clean out the electrical panel, • Prepare the boiler for 3-year statutory inspection, • Provide a certified AIA inspection authority to conduct a complete statutory inspection, including pressure test in accordance with the PER 36-month inspection requirements, • Reassemble the boiler, including all new gaskets, lagging and stainless-steel cladding, and refractory brickwork, • Re-commission the boiler and test all safety functions, • Provide a hardcopy inspection book including all test certificates, service records, and certificate of continuance, • Compressor hire must be provided by the contractor, as there is no compressed air supply available in the boiler house, • Any scaffold hire, scaffold erection & inspection must be provided by the contractor, • Replace grit collector, • Replace ash trolley for grit collector, • Replace impellor on ID fan, • Install a Shut of valve on main steam line to factory, • Replace condensate line and replace condensate pumps, from EA to hot well, • Install meter at discharge on hot well, • Overhaul suit blower for boiler no 1 & 2, • Provide project plan and time frame. A standard Safety File must be submitted in hardcopy prior to any work commencing on site. (EN) Agregar a favoritos

Número: 102531312

País: South Africa


13 mar

Número: 101229414

País: India

Fuente: RFQ