Legal Entity of Public Law - College Gldani Vocational Education and Training Center (Georgia CSTMR№1176744): contactos, dirección, correo electrónico, licitaciones

País: Georgia

total: 15
21 mar
Текстильные материалы и другие аналогичные изделия (GE) Agregar a favoritos
Precio inicial del contrato: 35 650
Fecha límite para solicitudes en: 3 days
Cliente: Legal Entity of Public Law - College Gldani Vocational Education and Training Center
Fuente: Legal Entity of Public Law - College Gldani Vocational Education and Training Center
08 jan
Автотранспортные услуги (GE) Agregar a favoritos
Precio inicial del contrato: 30 600
Cliente: Legal Entity of Public Law - College Gldani Vocational Education and Training Center
Fuente: Legal Entity of Public Law - College Gldani Vocational Education and Training Center
04 dec
Автотранспортные услуги (GE) Agregar a favoritos
Precio inicial del contrato: 3 532
Cliente: Legal Entity of Public Law - College Gldani Vocational Education and Training Center
Fuente: Legal Entity of Public Law - College Gldani Vocational Education and Training Center
16 feb
Компьютерное оборудование и принадлежности (GE) Agregar a favoritos
Precio inicial del contrato: 138 098
Cliente: Legal Entity of Public Law - College Gldani Vocational Education and Training Center
Fuente: Legal Entity of Public Law - College Gldani Vocational Education and Training Center
26 jan
Автотранспортные услуги (GE) Agregar a favoritos
Precio inicial del contrato: 27 000
Cliente: Legal Entity of Public Law - College Gldani Vocational Education and Training Center
Fuente: Legal Entity of Public Law - College Gldani Vocational Education and Training Center
18 jan
Автотранспортные услуги (GE) Agregar a favoritos
Precio inicial del contrato: 27 000
Cliente: Legal Entity of Public Law - College Gldani Vocational Education and Training Center
Fuente: Legal Entity of Public Law - College Gldani Vocational Education and Training Center
31 oct
Автотранспортные услуги (GE) Agregar a favoritos
Precio inicial del contrato: 14 300
Cliente: Legal Entity of Public Law - College Gldani Vocational Education and Training Center
Fuente: Legal Entity of Public Law - College Gldani Vocational Education and Training Center
20 jun
Компьютерное оборудование и принадлежности (GE) Agregar a favoritos
Precio inicial del contrato: 181 000
Cliente: Legal Entity of Public Law - College Gldani Vocational Education and Training Center
Fuente: Legal Entity of Public Law - College Gldani Vocational Education and Training Center
23 mar
Геологические и геофизические приборы (GE) Agregar a favoritos
Precio inicial del contrato: 13 100
Cliente: Legal Entity of Public Law - College Gldani Vocational Education and Training Center
Fuente: Legal Entity of Public Law - College Gldani Vocational Education and Training Center

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Fuente: CCGP

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País: China

Fuente: CCGP