Trabajos de restauración: South Africa licitaciones, compras publicas 2025


total: 12
13 dec
Proposals are hereby invited for P Gallery concrete repairs in the Port of Richards Bay as a once off supply. Scope of Works: The P Gallery Concrete repairs project includes the following sub tasks: a) Perform a detailed condition assessment, investigations, and testing to determine the current condition of the P Gallery (viz all concrete works and structural steel work); b) Detailed Structural assessment and analysis of the concrete columns, slabs and concrete beams. The current beams have been identified as requiring design checks for structural strength and subsequent durability restoration methods to be considered, which could include: • Design Checks on the existing concrete structure and recommendations based on current operations; • Design and construct the necessary strengthening to ensure adequate capacity of the existing gallery and supporting structure to maintain safe operations; • Design checks on the existing columns and any strengthening required (viz encasement with steel jackets or carbon fibre, or similar suitable corrective action); • Removal of poor concrete and encasement with special epoxy mortars c) Remedial works to rectify current levels of concrete spalling and corrosion of reinforcement by means of an approved repair methodology; d) Repair all cracks with an approved crack injection system or an approved alternate solution; e) Missing or damaged roof sheets to be replaced to prevent water ingress and pooling on the gallery floor; Sheeting to match existing to be approved by the client; f) All severely corroded steel members need to be replaced and to be corrosion protected as per the clients standard; g) Steel members showing signs of minor corrosion to be treated with the clients corrosion protection system; h) Missing and damaged louvers need to be replaced to match existing; i) Damaged side cladding to be replaced to match existing; j) The severely spalled concrete upstand needs to be repaired with and approved concrete repair methodology; k) The movement joint is to be assessed and rehabilitated and an approved joint sealing system is to be installed; l) The contractor is to assume full accountability and responsibility of the designs and remediation and issue a certificate of stability on completion of the works. (EN) Agregar a favoritos

Número: 115911267

País: South Africa


19 aug
Addendum: Amendment to Closing Date: Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Appointment of a Suitable Service Provider to Assist SABC with Off-Site Backup Storage Solution for Systems Backup Tapes for a Period of Three (03) Years. Scope of work: Collection and Storage: • The service provider must collect backup data cartridges/tapes from the South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) premises according to a defined schedule (daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly); • The cartridges/tapes must be stored in an off-site storage facility that ensures a secure, dust-free, and moisture-free environment with appropriate control systems. Return of Cartridges: • Cartridges/tapes whose retention period has expired must be returned to the SABC; • Cartridges/tapes required for data restoration must be returned within a 90-minute turnaround time upon request; • In the event of a total disaster at the Auckland Park Campus, the service provider must deliver the tapes to an SABC-Designated Disaster Recovery (DR) site. Service Availability: • The service provider must offer 24 x 7 x 365 days service availability; • Emergency requests must be handled by authorized personnel with a 90-minute turnaround time for required media/tapes. Membership and Standards: • The service provider must be a member of Professional Records and Information Services Management (PRISM) and a registered member of ARMA (American Records Management Association) or an equivalent organization. Procedures and Escalations: • A clear callout procedure, including an escalation process, must be provided by the service provider. Current Backup Retention: Storage Requirements: • Currently, the SABC requires storage for 810 LTO7 tapes; • It is expected that this number will grow to 1,400 LTO7 tapes by the end of the three-year period. Required at: Auckland Park. (EN) Agregar a favoritos

Número: 109376209

País: South Africa


21 nov
Re-advertisement: Bids are hereby invited for the following: Partial upgrade of dewatering PLC units at Northern Works for a period not exceeding six (06) months. Scope of work: The scope of work to be performed under this contract include partial upgrading of the Dewatering PLC units. The works shall be executed on existing infrastructure and certain sections of the existing installation may be live during installation. The prospective tenderers shall take into consideration all safety precaution requirement in compliance with the Occupational Health and Safety Act, 1993 with associated Regulations. The work to be carried out at Northern Wastewater Treatment Works, Dewatering Shed. PLC and SCADA Works: Partially upgrade ten (10) Belt Presses and two (2) Master PLC units: • Collection of updated PLC backups including data files – online with existing; • Inspection of panels for space and location of new M580 racks; • Conversion of PLC programs using the UMAC tool to M580; • Supply of new needed PLC equipment and license; • Mounting of M580 backplanes, installation of the new PLC equipment to panels and installation of communication equipment; • Retaining of Premium, I/O’s; • Downloading of the converted PLC programs into the new CPU’s; • Conversion of the Premium I/O’s to M580 PLC via backplane extender; • Testing of SCADA communication with regard to the PLC partial upgrade; • Restoration of SCADA where necessary with regard to the PLC partial upgrade; • Restoration of SCADA functionality on select related equipment or sub-systems; • Commissioning and monitoring of the plant; • Supply of store PLC spares (where specified); • Repair of damaged PLC equipment (service exchanges); • Supply licenses. (EN) Agregar a favoritos

Número: 94642207

País: South Africa


05 may
Bids are invited from suitably qualified, capable and experienced bidders for the Compilation of GRAP compliant Asset Register. The scope of work is as follows: • Obtain and review the existing Property, Plant & Equipment (PPE) assets register and ensure correctness and completeness thereof in line with the relevant GRAP standards; • Gather and analyses available support documentation of previous years’ audits and list audit findings related to assets and actions to be followed to address findings; • Define asset classification at component level as per mSCOA hierarchy as per the latest chart; • Verify all immovable assets; • Verify all movable assets (inventory list to be provide for every office) and compilation of list of redundant assets for disposal; • Document condition assessment assumptions for all assets; • In line with the provisions of the GRAP standards, review the expected useful lives (EUL) and remaining useful lives (RUL) and impairments of all assets annually; • Unbundling (componentization) of all completed infrastructure assets and any other asset of the municipality that may have been omitted from the asset register using fair value adjustment method; • Spatially link all assets into Geographic Information System in Planet GIS format (as currently used by Municipality); • Acquire deeds of all properties in municipal jurisdiction area to update land and investment property register; • Prepare investment properties register in accordance with the requirements of GRAP 16; • Perform assessment and disclosure for Heritage Assets; • Calculation of provision for Landfill restoration according to GRAP 19 and attend to audit queries; • Annually update work in progress register (WIP) will all supporting schedule and invoices; • Prepare appendix B & C as per the prescribed Annual Financial Statements format; • Annually review and update the asset management policy to ensure GRAP compliance; • Provide the supporting documents and the methodology used for all the adjustments made to Land Asset Management Policy and Asset Register.; • Prepare methodology documentation and present to Auditor General; • Assist municipality with responding to audit queries related to assets; and • Transfer of skills to municipal resources. (EN) Agregar a favoritos

Número: 83611365

País: South Africa