Шприцы 10мл (Oferta №102922742es)


País: Uzbekistan
Idioma: UZ
Número: 102922742
Fecha de publicación: 16-04-2024


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Acceso completo
Tenders are hereby invited for the following: Purchase and Delivery of Low-Bed Truck (Truck & Trailer Unit). Specifications: The appointed bidder will be required to supply a Lowbed trailer with following specifications: • The trailer must be able to transport up-to a maximum of 35 tons; • The trailer must be 3 axle trailer; • Trailer must be able to transport Excavators, Rollers, TLB’s, Dozers, Graders, and Dumper Trucks; • Rear ramps for loading plant; • 1 x 25-meter 13 mm chain; • 8 x load binders; • 14 x D-shackles; 2. The appointed bidder will be required to supply a “Horse” Truck with following specifications: • The truck must be able to tow above mentioned trailer when loaded up to a maximum of 35 tons; • 3 Year Service Plan; • 2 Year warranty unlimited Km’s; • Service Provider must register and license the truck as well as the trailer, including number plates with the delivery at the cost of the Service Provider (Winning Bidder) as well as the service and delivery (PDI, weight, COF. Data fixing). Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Re-Advertisement: Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Endpoint security/protection solution with vulnerability and patch management for a period of 12 months. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby for the following: Provision of manholes: Specifications: - Manhole ring 1250 x 250mm, Qty: 20, - Manhole frame concrete heavy duty 560mm opening, Qty: 100, - Manhole concrete cover heavy duty 560mm DIA (01-04-005), Qty: 100. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply and deliver steel palisade fence at FM Depot. Scope of work: Section A: • Steel palisade fencing. Section B: Steel works: • Supply and deliver steel 3 spoke palisade fencing panels in 3m length x 2m high and 1,8-2mm thickness, primed with red oxide and painted with Windsor green paint, at FM Depot x 30; • Supply and deliver steel 3 spoke palisade fencing panels in 3m length of 1.8m high and 1,8-2mm thickness, primed with red oxide and painted with Windsor green paint, at FM Depot x 30; • Supply and deliver steel 3 spoke palisade fencing panels in 3m length of 1.2m high and 1.8 -2mm thickness, primed with red oxide and painted with Windsor green paint, at FM Depot x 10. The anticipated contract period is one (1) months but the contractor must indicate and plan on the period he anticipates to complete all work. Department: FM. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Перчатки хирургические стерильные латексные Fuente: ЭЛЕКТРОННЫЙ КООПЕРАЦИОННЫЙ ПОРТАЛ