Creative toys (Oferta №110319455es)


País: Tunisia
Idioma: UK
Número: 110319455
Fecha de publicación: 04-09-2024


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Acceso completo
Bids are hereby invited for the following: Port Elizabeth State Attorney Office: provision of cleaning of services for a period of two (2) months as per specifications. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Re-advertisement: Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Provision of training services: COBIT 2019 Foundation: Mthatha Regional Office. Specifications: - Training on 3 day training for COBIT 2019 Foundation including exam for one regional IT Technician. Estimated number of days: 3 days for advanced. Please note that this quotation was published late. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply & delivery of lab supplies. Specifications: - Air displacement single micro pipette, autoclavable, lightweight, balanced, variable volume pipette with true volume locking for accuracy and precision - Single pipette holder; - Autoclavable pipette tips for 0.2ul - 10ml pipette. Please confirm the contract number as two contract numbers were published. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Bids are hereby invited for the following: Kirkwood and Addo Magistrate Office – provision of cleaning services for a two months period. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

uPhongolo Local Municipality seeks to appoint a suitable service provider for the following: Painting materials and tools. Specifications: - 20 x Roofkote white 20ltr, - 16 x Roofkote red 20ltr, - 8 x Academy layman 150mm, - 6 x Academy ivory 38mm, - 4 x Lambswool roller set 225mm, - 10 x Lamb wool roller set, - 2 x Scrapper Hamilton’s SSTL, - 2 x Viva roof 140mm Hamilton, - 4 x Sand paper 60 grit 300 X 1m, - 5 x Putty powafix 5kg teak, - 4 x Thinners 5ltr, - 4 x Super laykold tape 205 x 100, - 1 x S/S alum 10 step ladder, - 1 x Ste ladder step S/S alum 6 step, - 1 x Tool box kit 70pce ¼ inch & ½ inch dr, - 2 x 5pcs trimming knife, - 2 x Rectangle trimmer, - 1 x Hacksaw blade set 12pc 24 TPI, - 2 x Hacksaw tubular frame, - 1 x Stanley H/D 40 nozzle, - 1 x Power lock Stanley 10 x 25m, - 2 x Plier fencing MTS 300m, - 2 x Claw hammer 550g, - 1 x Blind RIV ALM open 4.8 x 10mm Q100, - 1 x Blind RIV ALM open 302 x 10 mm Q100, - 1 x Blind RIV ALM open 3.2 x 10mm Q100, - 1 x Impact drill 500W, - 1 x Ruwag IND metal set, - 1 x 10 pc non slip HDL set screw driver, - 1 x Wrecking bar 20 x 900m, - 2 x Vice grip curved jaw 250mm, - 10 x Masking tape academy 24mm x 40m, - 6 x Flash membrane 200mm x 10m, - 6 x Duram roofkote black 20ltr, - 2 x S/Enamel white 5ltr, - 2 x Furpile roole 230mm, - 1 x Compressor 1.5kw/HP 50L 220v, - 10 x Duramesh membrane 200mm x 10m. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Supply of SADDLE FERRULE GM 63 X 20 MM Fuente: Tender Board - Kingdom of Bahrain