Para la prestación de servicios de limpieza.: licitaciones, compras publicas 2025. Página № 3


total: 338
19 nov
Invitation to Tender (ITT) for the Provision of Cleaning Services to ICC Belfast (BWUH Limited) (EN) Agregar a favoritos
Precio inicial del contrato: 2 274 399 (EUR)
Importe original: 2 000 000 (GBP)


Número: 114353016

País: United Kingdom

Fuente: Contracts Finder

24 oct
Quotations are hereby invited for the appointment of a service provider for the pest control services in the Kruger National Park for a period of 4 months. Scope: - The scope of work entails the appointment a service provides to undertake pest control and fumigation of building structures on an as and when required basis at Kruger National Park for the Period of two (4) months; - The prospective service provider is expected to undertake pest control and fumigation of building structures at Kruger National Park as follows: After business hours i.e 16:30pm or as per the agreed schedule; - The bats and termites’ treatment that will be conducted at the staff and guest houses will be undertaken during office hours after an engagement with Client OHS; - All pest control services are to be undertaken in compliance with Occupational Health and Safety Act 85 of 1993 in conjunction with Hazardous Chemical Regulations; - If there is a need to utilize other chemicals by the service provider, they should declare. Pest Control Provision: 1. Termites: • Treatment and fumigation. 2. Bats: • Remove bats; • Remove guano/droppings; • Disinfect the area. 3. Cockroaches and fish moths: • Fumigation. 4. Ants: • Treat and close the holes or manifestation. 5. Rodents/Mice: • Traps, treatment. 6. Thatch mites: • Fumigation. 7. Bed bugs/fleas/lice: • Treatment (e.g. deep cleaning) of the mattress before fumigation. 8. Mosquitoes: • Treatment of nuisance mosquitoes. 9. Flies: • Removing the nest when nesting, fumigation as an when required. 10. Bees: • Treatment when required. 11. Horn worms: • Treatment when required. (EN) Agregar a favoritos

Número: 112836745

País: South Africa