Department of Water and Sanitation Pretoria invites tenders for supply, delivery and installation of TGHE Office roof at Vaal Dam. (Oferta №99023913es)


País: South Africa
Idioma: EN
Número: 99023913
Fecha de publicación: 05-02-2024


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Bids are hereby invited for the following: Refuse removal and clearing of illegal waste dumping. Place where goods, works or services are required: 37 Murchison Street, Newcastle, 2940. Please note that this bid was published late. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the appointment of a service provider to supply, deliver and instal anchor blocks fencing at Greenbushes Site under the Port Elizabeth Sentech OC office. Specifications: Supply and deliver and install concrete palisade: There are four anchor blocks present on site with each having a perimeter of 76.5m; the anchor blocks to be fitted with a gate; • Perimeter: 306; • Palisade fence height: 1.8m; • Width/section: 2m; • Four swinging gates to be 1.2m each; • Posts overall length: 2400 x 230 x 150 tapered to 80mm; • Pales 1800 x 80 x 110 tapered to 80mm; • Rails 1990 x 75 x 150mm with 9 x 10mm Holes; • Fixing bolts 8mm carriage bolts; • Concrete precast to be a minimum of 20-24 mPa at 28 days; • Installation foundation to be 460x460mm x 600mm deep; • Minimum of 15-20 mPa concrete; • The posts are spaced at 2.0m centres and area; • Slotted to take 2 horizontal rails; • Each vertical pale is bolted by 2 x 8mm nuts and bolts (top and bottom). Foundation: • Post foundation shall be 600mm deep x 460 x 460mm with 30 mPa concrete. Gate: • The site is to be fitted with four (4) gates and are to be constructed with the same stature and height; • The gates are to be 1.2m pedestrian steel swing gates; • The gates should be fitted with heavy duty hinges. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

The South African State Theatre invites tenders for the following: Roof Repair and waterproofing of the following: - Opera Theatre 2000m², - Office Block 625m², - Drama Theatre 1500m², - Arena Theatre 575m². Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

National Health Laboratory Service invites tenders to supply and install air conditioners in various labs in Mpumalanga. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Bids are hereby requested for the following: Security at Mashishing Labour Centre for 36 months. Specifications: - Security Officer-Grade C unarmed Day Shift, (Daily 06:00-18:00), Qty: 2 - Security Officer-Grade C unarmed Night Shift, (Daily: 18:00-06:00), Qty: 2, - Security aids: (a) Portable hand held 2 way radios (to be programmed to successful bidder’s frequency), Qty: 2, (b) Firearms Not required, (c) Torches (Re-chargeable), Qty: 2, (d) Handheld metal detector, Qty: 2, (e) Batons, Qty: 2, (f) Pocket books and pens (each per security officer), Qty: 4, (g) Handcuffs, Qty: 4, (h) Serviceable cellular phones with sufficient airtime and camera, Qty: 1, (i) Pepper spray, Qty: 4, (j) Whistle, Qty: 4, (k) Occurrence book to be provided for the period of contract, Qty: 1 at all times, (l) Monitoring system: Patrol point (Install, manage and maintain Monitoring system), Qty: 7. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Proposals are hereby invited for the following: Provide an open-market property valuation service for IDFC’s property portfolio for a period of three (3) years. Scope of work: The scope of work will cover the valuation of industrial; retail; commercial and residential properties as well as vacant land. Definition of market value under the International Valuation Standards is defined as the estimated amount for which an asset should exchange on the date of Valuation between a willing buyer and a willing seller in an arm’s-length transaction after proper marketing, wherein the parties have each acted knowledgeably, prudently and without compulsion. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS