Re-Advertisement of Contract Number: Q 12/931 OF 23/24: The Msunduzi Municipality hereby invites suitably experienced tenderers to submit quotations for the appointment of a service provider for air pollution analyser repairs in Central and Pietermaritzburg Airport air quality monitoring stations. (Oferta №99018678es)


País: South Africa
Idioma: EN
Número: 99018678
Fecha de publicación: 05-02-2024


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Re-Advertisement: Amendment to closing date and time. Tenders are hereby invited for the following: Provision of suitable office space for IDT Free State Regional Office based in Free State for a period of 36 months. Specifications: The bid shall include costing for both common areas specification requirement and lettable space requirement as listed below: - The office must be accessible by disabled persons Conform to SANS 10400 Part T and S for disabled persons; • The Office must be well secured with access control; • The Office must accommodate a total number of 30 people; • The offices must provide a total number of at least 2 toilet seats for both males and females and make 1 provision for disabled persons as per part P and Part S of SANS 10400: (1 seat and 2 urinals for males,1 seat for females and 1 for disability) • The service provider must provide separate ablution facilities for both male and female; • The office must have 20 covered parking bays minimum; • The office space must be provided with a fully functioning energy efficient Air conditioning system that can be controlled individually by the occupant of the office; • Both parties will sign a 36 month Lease Agreement; • Termination Clause of one (1) month notice must be included. Office Location: The office premises should be situated in Bloemfontein (within the zoned corporate office park, away from retail, Industrial and CBD with accessible public transport system. The lease agreement will be for a period of 3 years. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Tenders are hereby invited for the following: Provision of a qualified and competent service provider with relevant experience in steel pipeline repairs for five years on an “as and when required basis”. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

KwaDukuza Municipality invites closed quotes for the following: Appointment of project manager for invasive alien plants clearing and solid waste management, Mavivane Temp. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Bidders are hereby invited for the open tender public auction. Auction No 5, Venue: EMS Building Head Office, Capricorn. Date: Tuesday, 12 March 2024 at 08:30. On sale: +40 Vehicles: 1 x Isuzu Truck, 3 x Toyota Quantum, 1 x VW Polo 1.9, 4 x M/Benz 308, 2 x Ford Ikon, 2 x Toyota Hilux, 3 x Nissan LDV, 2 x VW Caddy, 2 x Chev Captiva, 5 x Nissan NV350 and many more. Please confirm the closing date and time as it was not published. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Re-Advertisement of contract number: WC1147SR. Eskom Holdings SOC Limited, Gauteng invites tenders for the maintenance and repairs of medium and high voltage (11kV to 132kV) underground cables. Scope of Work: The work covered in this contract comprises of Maintenance and Repairs of Medium and High Voltage (11kV to 132kV), Oil filled, Oil impregnated paper and XLPE cables, within Eskom Distribution Western Cape Maintenance and Operations for a period of 3 years. The contractor shall provide specialized HV cable services including Maintenance, Testing, Investigations and Repairs of High Voltage Cable Installations. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply and delivery of compressor oil shaft seals x 50. Specifications: Shaft seal properties: - Shaft diameter: 50mm; - Outside diameter: 65mm; - Thickness: 8mm; - Material: Viton; - Color: Reddish brown; - Model: 26-R1. Viton Shaft Seal Description: - Excellent resistance to pretroluem products and solvents; - Temperatures resistant from -30°C to 200°C; - Double lip to protect against dust and fluids; - Metal core inside the the rubber for greater rigidity; - Stainless steel garter spring. Required at: Metrorail, 12 Liesbeeck Parkway, Salt River, Cape Town, 7535. Please confirm the closing time as two were published. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS