Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Short Term Contract for Heavy duty vehicles (Road Maintenance) Vehicle Maintenance for a period not exceeding six months. Scope: - Interval Vehicle Maintenance and Service for Heavy Duty Vehicles owned by the City of uMhlathuze; - Assessment for mechanical repairs of Heavy Duty Vehicles; - Emergency Repairs for Heavy Duty Vehicles; - Road side assistance for Heavy Duty Vehicles; - Towing services for Heavy Duty Vehicles; - Maintenance will be done on Municipal Request. (Oferta №95948430es)


País: South Africa
Idioma: EN
Número: 95948430
Fecha de publicación: 09-12-2023


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168511-00 - Planung zur Errichtung eines 2.barrierefreien Stationszugangs U6-Station Tscherttegasse, 1120 Wien - WLB65-Upro-01-23 Fuente: Wiener Stadtwerke Holding

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Short term contract for panel of heavy duty vehicles (water supply) vehicle maintenance for a period not exceeding six months. Scope of work: - Interval Vehicle Maintenance and Service for Heavy Duty Vehicles owned by the City of uMhlathuze; - Assessment for mechanical repairs of Heavy Duty Vehicles; - Emergency Repairs for Heavy Duty Vehicles; - Road side assistance for Heavy Duty Vehicles; - Towing services for Heavy Duty Vehicles; - Maintenance will be done on Municipal Request. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: V2037 - Assess, Replace PTO Prop shaft. Please note this quotation was published late. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Short Term Contract for Heavy duty vehicles (Road Maintenance) Vehicle Maintenance for a period not exceeding six months. Scope: - Interval Vehicle Maintenance and Service for Heavy Duty Vehicles owned by the City of uMhlathuze; - Assessment for mechanical repairs of Heavy Duty Vehicles; - Emergency Repairs for Heavy Duty Vehicles; - Road side assistance for Heavy Duty Vehicles; - Towing services for Heavy Duty Vehicles; - Maintenance will be done on Municipal Request. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Short Term Contract for panel of heavy duty vehicles (Water Supply) Vehicle Maintenance for a period not exceeding six months or R200 000. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Short Term Contract for Panel of Sedans and LDV’s Vehicle Repairs for a period not exceeding six months. Scope of work: Repairs as and when Required for LDV’s and Sedans owned by the City of uMhlathuze. - Assessment for mechanical repairs of LDV’s and Sedans; - Emergency Repairs for LDV’s and Sedans; - Road side assistance for LDV’s and Sedans; - Towing services for LDV’s and Sedans; - Maintenance will be done on Municipal Request. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS