Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Design, supply and printing of branded diaries. (Oferta №94007758es)


País: South Africa
Idioma: EN
Número: 94007758
Fecha de publicación: 10-11-2023


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Acceso completo
Nakup treh rabljenih osebnih vozil Fuente: Služba Vlade Republike Slovenije za razvoj in evropsko kohezijsko politiko

Tirgus izpēte “Pasažieru platformas remonts Varakļānu dzelzceļa stacijas teritorijā, “Stacija “Varakļāni””, Dekšāres pagastā, Rēzeknes novadā” Fuente: VAS "Latvijas dzelzceļš"

Байгаль орчинд нөлөөлөх байдлын нарийвчилсан үнэлгээний тодотгол хийх Fuente: Төрийн худалдан авах ажиллагааны цахим систем

Re-advertisement: Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Restructuring of holding pens and treatment area for high producing dairy cattle according to specifications. Specifications: - Removing of current structure; - Replacing current structure with treated poles as per specification where indicated low traffic areas; - High traffic areas will be constructed with stronger materials made from steel; - Replacing of cattle gates as per specification - strengthened modifications; - Cement floor as per specification; - Supplying and installation of Cattle neck clamp as per specification; - Supplying and installation of Cattle weighing cage as per specification; - Supplying and installation of custom made Cattle gates as per specification; - All bidders should be familiar with large animals and know the SANS specifications for cattle camps and working facilities, and provide structures adhering to these specifications; - Bidder will have to assist in providing alternative measures to work with animals whilst construction is in process; - Bidder should be able to work around daily activities of animals being treated; - Bidder should know biosecurity measures of animal facilities and food producing entities; - Structure will have to be SPCA approved. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Proposals are hereby invited from suitably qualified, experienced and competent contractor for the following: Construction of Mzwakazi access road and bridge. Typical project: - 2.2km x 5.5m route gravel access road and bridge. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply and delivery of steel pipes and fittings to Laing Dam pipeline workshop. Scope: Supply and deliver: • 350mm x 6m Galvanized Steel Pipes Flanged T-16 x 7; • 350mm VJ Flanged Adaptors x 4; • Flanged Gaskets Suitable for Table 16 Drilling Pattern x 10; • M20 Bolts, Nuts and Washers x 200; • 6m x 355mm PVC CL16 x 6. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS