Formal written price quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply and delivery of green refuse bags. Specification: • 750 x 950mm green refuse bags heavy duty 40 microns [one (1) bale carries 200 bags] x 400. (Oferta №93934776es)


País: South Africa
Idioma: EN
Número: 93934776
Fecha de publicación: 09-11-2023


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Одежда для профессионального использования, спецодежда и аксессуары Fuente: Единой Электронной Системе Государственных Закупок

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply, repair and installation of gate and motor. Specifications: - 01 x repair of double gate; - 01 x gate motor and installation. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Re-advertisement: Tenders are hereby invited for the following: Elevator maintenance contract: The University of Pretoria Facilities Management Department is tasked with the responsibility to appoint a reputable elevator services, service provider/s to assume the responsibility of elevator maintenance at the University as specified. This is a full comprehensive and risk contract for a period of five/three years. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Proposals are hereby invited for the following: Supply and delivery of electrical & mechanical tools for Electricity Department. Scope: 01. Toolbox – 5 Tray (Blue) x 1; 02. Pliers combination 200mm x 1; 03. Pliers long nose 200mm x 1; 04. Side cutter 200mm x 1; 05. Crimping plier 240mm x 1; 06. Ring/flat combination spanners 6mm – 32mm x 1; 07. Socket set 8mm – 32mm x 1; 08. Water pump plier 141mm x 1; 09. Water pump plier 300mm x 1; 10. Screwdriver set (Phillips and flat point). Set of 6 x 1; 11. Electricians Screwdriver set (Insulated – Phillips and flat point). Set of 6 x 1; 12. Spirit Level (Torpedo magnetic) 225mm x 1; 13. Insulated ratcheting cable cutter/core cutter (handheld), Capacity: 38mm diameter x 1; 14. Half round file 300mm and handle x 1; 15. Flat file 300mm and handle x 1; 16. Round file 200mm and handle x 1; 17. Allen key set 1,5 – 12mm x 1; 18. Allen key set 1/16 – ½” x 1; 19. Pipe wrench 250mm x 1; 20. Vice grip 250mm x 1; 21. Hacksaw professional 300mm x 1; 22. Ball pin hammer 900gr x 1; 23. Steel measuring tape 5m x 16mm x 1; 24. Trimming knife – standard x 1; 25. Tube spanner set – 6mm – 21mm x 1; 26. Shifting spanner 150mm x 1; 27. Shifting spanner 200mm x 1; 28. Shifting spanner 300mm x 1; 29. Insulated Wire Stripper: 1mm² – 3.2mm² x 1; 30. Voltage and Line tester 750V Hellermann Tyton or Similar x 1. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Re-advertisement: Amendment to Tender Deposit: Bids are hereby invited for the appointment of a service provider construction of footbridges in Monontsa. Scope of works: The work to be carried out entails the construction of three concrete footbridges in Monontsa in the villages of for Poelong, Selahliwe and Phophopho within the Maluti-a-Phofung Local Municipality. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Formal written price quotations are hereby requested for the following: Supply and delivery of Trend Micro Enterprise Security Suite. Specifications: The Witzenberg Municipality is in need of the following: Trend Micro Apex One 250 Seats - Renewal. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS