Re-advertisement of Contract Number TMT-DBE-23/24-SAFEOS-ECCL63R: The Mvula Trust invites tenders for the construction of sanitation facilities omitted scope in the Eastern Cape Province at: • Name of School: Swane Junior Secondary School; • Type of Project: Sanitation. Bidders to note that the contract duration is total of 8 weeks from commencement date to practical completion date. (Oferta №93169424es)


País: South Africa
Idioma: EN
Número: 93169424
Fecha de publicación: 26-10-2023


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TC7001 CAT D9T Dozer Components Refurbishment Fuente: SA-Tenders


Supply and deliver Laboratory Consumables Fuente: SA-Tenders

Supply and deliver Research Consumables Fuente: SA-Tenders

Written price quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply and delivery of working tools for Parks and Gardens Unit. Scope: • 25 x Plastic rakes equivalent to lasher; • 8 x Dustpan (with long handle) equivalent to lasher; • 100 x Rubber gloves with knitted wrist; • 8 x Garden spade equivalent to lasher; • 8 x Garden fork equivalent to lasher. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Lepelle-Nkumpi Municipality invites prospective bidders to bid for the following: Panel of two professional service providers for printing services for a period of 36 months (As and when required) as per specifications. Scope: • A5 Executive Two tone Half moon range Diaries with engraved/embossed Lepelle-Nkumpi Logo. 6 pages tip-inns on a 135g/m² gloss full colour printed both sides; • Slim size Executive two tone half moon range diary 160mm x 87mm, with engraved LNM Logo and year with engraved/embossed Lepelle-Nkumpi Logo. 6 pages tip-inns on a 135g/m² gloss full colour printed both sides; • Corporate B5 size diaries (filo fax) personalized. 6 pages tip-inns on a 135g/m² gloss full colour printed both sides; • A1 size Calendar Printed with 4 Process colours (CMYK) front only on G Print (Gloss), 170g/m², White with gold rimming top and bottom; • A3 Die Cut Tent Calendars printed with CMYK front only on G Print (Gloss), 250g/m², White; • A2 Desk Pads calendars printed on 6 X sheets with 4 process colours front only on Superior Board, 180g/m², white, Trimmed to size fitting 2 PVC corners and Backing Malgray (Chipboard) (610mic), Grey, 350g/g2, 770mm x 1020mm; • Pull up banner; • X-frame banner; • Telescopic banner; • Fountain flag telescopic banners; • Shark fin banners; • PVC banners with eyelets; • Pop up banner; • Wall/stage banners; • Flags; • LNM promotional materials; • LNM municipal letterheads; • LNM municipal folders; • Gift bag; • A-frame; • Aluminum frames; • Steel heavy duty gazebo; • LMN branded table cloths; • LNM name badges. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS