Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply and Installation of Elisa Reader with Printer at NHLS, Public Health Lab, 149 Prince Street, Durban. Specifications: 1. Bench-top models with complete solutions for Elisa tests in Serology using optical density; 2. Have a digital / LCD display – absorbance high quality (340 - 750nm) for 96 well (range +/-) format microplate reader; 3. Touch screen with interface and data analysis with most updated Gen5 computer software; 4. Able to partner with robotic automated pipetting station; 5. Enzyme kinetics - Incubation and Linear shaking for different programs and tests; 6. Colorimetric analysis, enzyme/substrate reaction; 7. Partner with printer to import results with conversion factors. The calculation mode must include OD, cut-off direct or calculated with programmable curves. All calculations must be performed automatically; 8. The instrument must operate off 220 V 50 Hz; 9. An on-board printer or a parallel port with printer must be provided; 10. The instrument must be capable of direct printing of the curve graph: point to point and linear regression; 11. 1 year warranty; 12. The instrument must be delivered, set up and training demonstrated at the Public Health Laboratory. (Oferta №92732967es)


País: South Africa
Idioma: EN
Número: 92732967
Fecha de publicación: 18-10-2023


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Acceso completo
Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Remove existing, supply and install 3 x Air Conditioners at St Barnabus Laboratory. Specifications: - Remove existing air conditioners, make good and cart away; - Supply and install 18 000 BTU Midwall split, heating and cooling air conditioner, must be inverter type using R410A refrigerant, install as per specification, air con type must be: LG, Carrier, York, Samsung, or Daiken or similar; - Re-connect to existing power supply. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Addendum: Amendment to documents and extension of closing date: Term Tenders are hereby invited for the rehabilitation of bulk sewer lines (500 mm diameter and above) City Wide by method of CIPP lining. Framework Contract Period: 36 Months from Commencement Date. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Provision of occupational hygiene surveys at Transnet Pipelines, Various Locations. Scope of work: The following surveys are to be conducted within each of the above facilities where applicable: • Occupational Health Risk Assessments and Hazardous Chemical Substances Risk Assessments: As per the various Regulations framed under the Occupational Health and Safety Act, 1993. • Hazardous Chemical Substances Monitoring: Dusts, Fumes, Gases, Mists, Vapours etc. as per the: i) Regulation 5 of the Regulations for Hazardous Chemical Substances R1179) ii) General Safety Regulations, Regulation 5; iii) Environmental Regulations for Workplaces. • Noise Evaluation Surveys: As per the Noise-Induced Hearing Loss Regulations, 2003 and TPL’s Hearing Conservation Management Plan. • Environmental Noise Evaluation Surveys; • Lighting Evaluation Surveys: Day / Night and Specialised Lighting as per the Environmental Regulations for Workplaces, Regulation 3 (Lighting). • Emergency Lighting (Where applicable); • Ventilation Evaluation Surveys: As per the Environmental Regulations for Workplaces, Regulation 5 (Ventilation). • Thermal Stress Evaluation Surveys: Heat Stress, Cold Stress, Ventilation and as per the Environmental Regulations for Workplaces, Regulation 2 (Thermal Requirements). • Hazardous Biological Agents: - As per the Regulations for Hazardous Biological Agents, 2001 and amendments. - Compliance to COVID-19 protocols as per South African regulations at the time of surveillance and as amended. • Health Facilities Surveys: Kitchens, Canteens, Change Rooms etc., as required by the Facilities Regulations. • Ergonomics Risk Assessment and Survey of Implementation: As per the Ergonomics Regulations (2019) as set out in the Occupational Health and Safety Act (1993) as amended. • Vibration Assessment: As per SANS 2631-1:1997 - Mechanical vibration and shock — Evaluation of human exposure to whole-body vibration or other applicable legislation / standard.(Select scenario per facility). • Thermographic Survey – If your company does undertake these surveys, please include a price per facility. • Asbestos Survey – to be carried out as per the Asbestos Regulations for all sites. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: V0465 - Carry out COF repairs as per specifications. Scope: 1. Service the vehicle and attend to oil leaks; 2. Replace exhaust system; 3. Repair window winders; 4. Repair all lights and secure all lenses; 5. Overhaul brakes and commission. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Contractor to replace rotten 9m poles and remove an old ABC bundle conductor as per specifications. Scope: Replace rotten 9m poles and remove an old ABC bundle conductor in Brackenham: • Contractor is required to replace 200 x 9m poles in Brackenham; • Excavation must be done according to the correct standard; • All cables to be neatly reconnected and strapped to the pole; • Replace all pole boxes that are not in good condition; • Material will be provided by the council; • Replace all streetlights and/or connections from removed poles; • Contractor required to collect material from Alton workshops and Alton stores e.g. poles, pole; • Contractor to prepare and pre-assemble the structures and deliver to site a before; • Contractor to make sure all tools are safe to use and in a good working condition; • Contractor to make sure that all cables are earthed and bonded to the earth spikes; • Renew all jumpers, IPC’s, connections and replace breakers which are not in good condition; • Prepare for the job to be completed in one day; • Contractor to provide own consumables e.g. cleaning material, cloth, screws, ferrules; • All cables to be neatly reconnected and strapped to the pole; • Deliver all old materials back to Alton stores. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Addendum: Amendment of tender document: Tenders are hereby invited for the following: Supply, delivery and offloading of bulk sulphuric acid (~98% concentrated) and battery acid (~35% concentration) for use in water treatment. Contract period: from date of commencement for 36 months. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS