Bids are hereby invited from competent and experienced service providers to serve in the Panel of Professional Town and Regional Plan in the City of Mbombela for a period of 36 month on an ad-hoc bases. Scope of work: - Conduct various Adhoc Studies for Land Development Proposals; - Development of Precinct Plans; - Amendment and or review of SDF; - Urban Design Frameworks; - Development and review of Spatial Policies; - Amendment and review of Land Use Scheme; - Township Establishment; - Amendment and review of SPLUMA By-Law; - Any other activities identified by the Municipality. (Oferta №91379202es)


País: South Africa
Idioma: EN
Número: 91379202
Fecha de publicación: 28-09-2023


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Acceso completo
RFI - DoDEA Student Transportation Security Services Training (Germany) Fuente: Federal Business Opportunities

Honing Oil, HOUGHTON WIOLAN SH-10, or equal Fuente: Federal Business Opportunities

Electronic Components (EC) Follow-On Fuente: Federal Business Opportunities

Pioneering Aerospace Capabilities, Engineering and Research (PACER) CALL Investigation Conditions in Extreme Environments (ICEE) Fuente: Federal Business Opportunities

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Appointment of a suitably qualified service provider for the services of a land surveyor to measure and prepare a surveyor general diagram of a portion of the Dal Josafat Property for the purpose of a commercial lease agreement. Scope and services required: The following is required from potential service provider: The suitably qualified land surveyor will be required to: • Perform a site survey to determine the exact boundaries of the property portion to be leased; • Prepare an SGD of the property portion, in accordance with the requirements of the Surveyor-General; • Certify the SGD as accurate and complete. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Re-advertisement: Bids are hereby invited for the provision of legal assistance to land reform projects (framework agreement). Scope of Work: - Representation of projects in legal disputes; - Litigation in lower courts on behalf of the client should there be a need; - Conducting mediation/arbitration; - Debt collection; - Drafting and scrutinizing of contractual agreements; - Provision of legal opinion on various issues concerning Casidra’s business; - Conducting mediation for farmer beneficiaries, should that be required; - Scrutinizing and compiling of a report on the compliance of, and validity of shareholders agreements, lease agreements in accordance with CASP funding guidelines and make recommendations to changes in the best interest of beneficiaries; - Verification of rental agreements; - Drafting of specific undertaking agreements on a demand basis; - Resolving water rights for farmers. Location: Western Cape. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS