Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply and deliver surgical items. Specifications: - Extension sets for syringe drives, compatible with all sizes of syringes x 100 units; - Feeding pump x 02 units. Required at: St Andrews Hospital. Province: KwaZulu-Natal. Department: Department of Health. Division or Section: Supply Chain Management. Contract Period: Once off. (Oferta №91107620es)


País: South Africa
Idioma: EN
Número: 91107620
Fecha de publicación: 19-09-2023


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Acceso completo
Erection Dismantling of 440V mine LT O H Line conductor, Poles and accessories for maintenance of 440 over head line of parej colony at PEOCP under Hzb Area Fuente: Central public Procurement portal India

[Making of 4 nos Foundation base by cutting ,welding etc as required and installation of sampling crusher and pulverisation machies for RCM and Rajdhar railway siding under Ashok OCP..] Fuente: Coal India Limited

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply and delivery of concrete manholes at Sterkstroom WSP Stores. Please note that this quotation was published late. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Oropharyngeal airways (guedel). Required at: St Andrews Hospital. Province: KwaZulu-Natal. Department: Department of Health. Division or Section: Supply Chain Management. Contract Period: Once off. Please confirm the contract number as two contract numbers were published. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Erratum: Amendment to the Briefing Date: Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Appointment of a suitable service provider to procure the supply, installation, and commissioning of the Quality of Service (QoS) benchmarking equipment to test the network’s performance and monitor quality of service of the mobile network operators’ voice, data, video, messaging services with support and maintenance for a period of three years. Scope of work: QoS Monitoring/Benchmarking Equipment: - ICASA seeks to acquire a QoS Benchmarking Equipment to monitor the quality of service for voice, data, video, messaging services; - The equipment shall be comprised of the following components/equipment: a. Drive-test Benchmarking equipment with twenty-four (24) User Equipment (UEs), that can be setup to conduct measurements in 2G/3G/4G/5G/Wi-Fi mode in an outdoor environment. Note: One SUV vehicle will be provided by ICASA and must be setup with 24 UEs, one scanner and one inverter; b. Walk-Test/Portable equipment (Backpacks), with twenty-four (24) UEs that can be setup to conduct QoS measurements in 2G/3G/4G/5G/Wi-Fi mode in an indoor and outdoor environment. Four backpacks with capability to setup 6 UEs per backpack, and 4 ruggedized Tablets; c. Scanner that can support 5G, LTE (FDD and TDD), LTE-A, UMTS/WCDMA, GSM, Wi-Fi technologies with scanning capability of 10 MHz - 6 GHz frequencies, including up to layer 3 decoding for all the supported technologies; d. Multi-vendor Post-processing Tool, that supports 2G/3G/4G/5G and Wi-Fi reporting and analysis. The tool should be compatible with logfile type formats; SQZ, NMF, TRP. The tool shall support three (3) perpetual user licences with support and maintenance for three (3) years from the contractual date, with an option to extend support. The Post-processing Tool shall be able to provide the analysis reports in a format specified by ICASA, root cause analysis of QoS issues and identification of problem location. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Bids are hereby invited for the following: Department of Education: Mdlangathi Secondary School: Appointment of a suitable civil engineering firm with the built environment for the design and construction of Mdlangathi Secondary School: Demolition and replacement of the entire school; SNP Kitchen; Ablutions; Electrical Power Upgrade; water supply; Sports Fields; Parking; Earthworks. Area: Harding. Contract period: 24 Months. Open/ECDP: Open. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS