Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Procurement of an online travel management system for a period of 8 months. CETA"s primary objective is to enter into an agreement with a successful travel management company for the supply, support and maintenance of an online travel management system for a period of eight (08) months. The service provider will be expected of the following. - Provide CETA with online travel management services that are consistent, reliable and will maintain a high level of traveler satisfaction in line with the service levels; - Provide CETA with a dedicated key account manager that is suitably, qualified and experienced for the duration of the contract; - The system should cater for CETA delegation of authority approvals to approve all the bookings on the system; - The system should be able to achieve significant cost savings for CETA without any degradation in the services; - Provide training to super users and other system users; and - Contain CETA’s risk and traveler risk. Please confirm the contract number as two were published. (Oferta №88756286es)


País: South Africa
Idioma: EN
Número: 88756286
Fecha de publicación: 07-08-2023


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