Bids are hereby invited for the following: Supply, installation and commissioning of two-way radio equipment at Chris Hani District High Site (Madeira). Specifications: The department is currently using the following equipment: • Repeaters; ICOM FR 5000 and Kenwood TKR 750 VHF; • Mobile radios; ICOM F5020, F5021 and F5022; • Base stations; ICOM F5020, F5021 and F5022. The equipment that has to be supplied has to be compatible to the aforementioned equipment that already exists on the departmental high sites, portables, base stations and land mobiles. The repeaters and duplexers have to be programmed before delivery and the respective frequencies will be supplied to the successful bidder. Items to be delivered: • FR 5000 (or equivalent) that will be programmed on specific frequencies; • Duplexer that should work in-line with the above items; • RG coaxes connecting repeater to duplexer; • 220/12V 10A power supply for repeater; • Collinear antennas (web or equivalent) SM1503; • Yagi antenna Y440-12; • 150 Watt Solar panels (glass); • FR6000 or equivalent. Please confirm the closing date. (Oferta №88693437es)


País: South Africa
Idioma: EN
Número: 88693437
Fecha de publicación: 06-08-2023


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