Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Provision of Cleaning Services: Collection of organic waste in informal and formal traders. Scope of Work: With organic waste diversion and beneficiation being prioritized, the Solid Waste Department invites a Service Provider to deliver the following services: Receipt of the organic waste at an accredited organic waste processing facility (submit a copy of the facilities accredited organic waste processing certificate) which must be situated within the municipal boundaries of the City of Cape Town. Measurement by weight on arrival, beneficial processing of the clean organic waste generated by F&V and Food traders participating in the City’s trial at the Bellville PTI. As part of the services required, the Service Provider will be required to provide safe disposal certificates as well as submit accurate statistics of the kilograms/tonnages of organic waste received. (Oferta №85499918es)


País: South Africa
Idioma: EN
Número: 85499918
Fecha de publicación: 13-06-2023


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