The Provision and Management of various Facility Management services in respect of selected transport facilities on behalf of the Directorate Urban Mobility, City of Cape Town such as but not limited to Ambassadorial services, Cash management services, cleaning services, Coordinator Services, Event services, Equipment. rental, Hygiene services including Sanitary bin servicing, and provision of washroom accessories and consumables, Landscaping services, Maintenance services (including maintenance contracts), Pest control, Professional services, Security services, Surveillance services, Waste Management. (Oferta №84883523es)


País: South Africa
Idioma: EN
Número: 84883523
Fecha de publicación: 26-05-2023


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Acceso completo
Дотуур байрыг хашаажуулах Fuente: Төрийн худалдан авах ажиллагааны цахим систем

Transportation of learners from Nuwerus, De Nuy Station, De Nuy, Kalkbank, Nuystasie Primary School, Oude Schuur, Willow Creek / De Vlei, La Motte, Nuy Wine Cellar / Toontjiesrivier Turn-off, Werda, Glen Oak, Sonia, Leipzig Primary School, Patrysbult, Patryskloof, De Nonna / Nonna, Akkerbos, Bellevue / Mooiuitsig, Bernheim, Uitzicht, Tweefontein, De Liefde, Rooiwal, Oudewagendrift, Excelsior / Phillipsdale (Vaalplaas) and Esperance to Overhex Primary School and then from Overhex Primary School, Overhex Shop, Rainbow Farms Turn-off, Waterwese / Nooitgedacht and Reiersvlei / Wynland Farms / Rooikrans to Breërivier High School, Esselenpark Secondary School and Worcester Secondary School. Fuente: SA-Tenders

Supply and delivery of 11kv/400-230 volt pole-mounted transformers Fuente: SA-Tenders

Supply and Delivery of approved caps textbooks, learner workbooks, teacher guides, and readers from publishers on DBE approved catalogue for schools under section 20 and21.1c for the financial years: 2023/2024; 2024/2025 and 2025/2026 Fuente: SA-Tenders

Supply and Delivery of Kitchen Chemicals/Detergents and Relevant Equipment Fuente: SA-Tenders

The appointment of a service provider to conduct a feasibility study for the development of the Isandlwana Interpretative Centre for Isandlwana Heritage Precinct at Nquthu, KwaZulu-Natal Province. Fuente: SA-Tenders