Quotations are hereby invited for the appointment of a service provider to procure acoustic dopper flow meter. The required system comprises: 1. An acoustic doppler flow probe, incorporating a pressure sensor; 2. A control unit, allowing for data capture, display, processing and quality control during fieldwork and transfer of field data to a Windows computer via Bluetooth and USB; 3. A top-setting wading rod with metric measurements and mounting points for the probe and control unit; 4. Software for data processing; 5. Supply instrument as per description and evaluation criteria provided; 6. Provide training to CGS staff in the operation of the instrument and related software. Specifications: 1. Supply instruments: - Acoustic Doppler flow probe with pressure sensor; - Control/display unit; - Windows software for data processing, display etc. - Top-setting wading rod with mounting points for the probe and control/display unit; 2. Provide training in the operation of the instrument to CGS staff. Please specify number of staff and duration of training; 3. Measured velocity range: Up to at least 4 m/s; 4. Instrument resolution: 0.0001 m/s; 5. Instrument accuracy: ±1% of measured value; 6. Maximum depth of measurement: at least 10 m; 7. Depth accuracy: ±0.1% of full scale; 8. GPS sensor to be incorporated in instrument; 9. Instrument waterproofing: IP67 or better. Department: Supply Chain Management. Please note that this quotation was published late. (Oferta №84743030es)


País: South Africa
Idioma: EN
Número: 84743030
Fecha de publicación: 25-05-2023


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