Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Refurbishing hopper 2 structure and install liners for Transnet Soc Ltd operating as Transnet Port Terminals at the Port of Richards Bay. Scope: A contractor is required to do as follows: - Refurbish hopper and supporting structure; - Install hopper liners in all four panels. (Oferta №84326308es)


País: South Africa
Idioma: EN
Número: 84326308
Fecha de publicación: 18-05-2023


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Acceso completo
Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply and delivery of workshop consumables. Specifications: - Angle iron 50 x 5 x 3; - Steel sheet 2.4 x 1.2 x 1.6 x 13; - Red oxide 5L x 4; - Thinners 5L x 1; - Bee paint brush 75mm x 2; - Paint roller Eezypile 225mm x 2; - Radiant GR8 2 pin cool white 16W x 20; - Enamel black 5L x 2; - Globe LED R7S 10W J118 cool white Eurolux G950 CW x 5; - Tube fluorescent 58W cool white Eurolux G182 x 50; - Two stroke Rudamans 20L x 1; - Eye clear protection goggles x 30. Delivery address: Burgershall Research Station, Private Bag X501, Kierpersol. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Harmonic hand piece, grey, Ref: HARPHGR, proprietary compatible to the Gen II Harmonic Generator, Quantity: 02 boxes. Required at: Greys Hospital. Province: KwaZulu-Natal. Department: Department of Health. Division or Section: Central Supply Chain Management. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Fire Services. Specifications: 1. 1 x Fire breaks and block burning inclusive of fuel, labour, equipment and transport to the following locations: • Beacon Hill; • Curry’s post road and cemetery; • Khayalisha Site; • Lutchmans Site; • Mandela capture site; • Zenzani Village; • Fort Nottingham; • Howick golf course; • uMngeni river. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Reputable events management company to assist the municipality in organising an investment summit. The events planning and management company will be tasked to play a vital role in organizing the investment summit for the municipality. This involves the role of: Event Planning, Venue Management & logistics, Marketing and Promotion, Event Staffing and Post-Event Evaluation. The deliverables of the project will include a: • Detailed project plan and timeline with a budget breakdown; • Summit agenda and program schedule; • Marketing and promotional materials; • Final attendee list and registration report; • Post-event evaluation report and recommendations for future events. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply and delivery of maintenance materials. Specifications: - IBR Galvanized 0.925m x 0.50mm full hard Z275/m (81 x 6.000) x 81; - SA pine S5P U/T 50 x 76 6.0000m x 50; - SA pine S5P U/T 10 x 76 6.0000m x 10; - Padlocks (Doublelink) x 10; - Roof paint green 20L Duram x 30; - Roof paint red 20L Duram x 50; - Hammer claw 450g All steel professional Livingstone x 3; - Flap disc 115 x 22mm P60 Zirconia DIY x 3; - Disc polishing medium flap SLTN 115mm x 22 x 3. Delivery address: Institute for Tropical and Subtropical Crops, ARC-ITSC, Corner of Bosch Street and Kanyamazane Road, R2296, Mbombela. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Cutting of trees in the area of Howick. Specifications: - 15 x Cut and remove fall gum tree at no. 36 Flamingo Drive in Hilton; - 4 x Cut and remove a tree at sifisihle Primary School (roots and damaging the walls); - 1 x Cut and remove a tree at no.2212 Nkala Street, Mpophomeni (Rotts are damaging the house); - 1 x Cut and remove trees on Mandela Drive in Mpophomeni Tree; - 1 x Cut and remove trees at Mansfield Road, Howick: (a) 10 Mansfield Road – remove a dead tree from verge; - 1 x Cut and remove a tree at number 41/42 Harvard Street, the tree is causing obstruction to the wall and criminals are using to jump into property; - 2 x Cut and remove all debris of overhanging huge branches into the property. Property no.45 plane crescent, Howick Both branches are in front of the property threatening the wall and security of the occupants; - 2 x Cut and remove 2 trees at no. 43 Harvard Street (Mrs Mhlongo) threes are causing an obstruction. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS