Tenders are hereby invited for the following: Wanted: +30 Hectares of Land with Ethekwini and its surroundings. Required Services: The site must have the following bulk services available or in close proximity (less than 1km): • Electricity; • Water Supply; • Links for a water and sanitation system. Requirements: The land must have the following minimum requirements: • The area must be in the range of 30 hectares upwards of green fields; • Must have road access to and from the site or within short-medium term plans for development; • Must be within 30 minutes drive (±60km radius) from King Shaka International Airport; • Must have minimal noise and vibrations (that is, it must be outside of the commercial flight path or any heavy drilling area); • Must have nearby or in a dose vicinity high-end accommodation, hotels and self-catering accommodation with a minimum of 4-star rating, failing which it must have the potential to develop such; • The area must be around a development vicinity; • The hospital and or clinic facilities must be in reasonable proximity. Please confirm the closing date and time as it was not published. (Oferta №83763852es)


País: South Africa
Idioma: EN
Número: 83763852
Fecha de publicación: 08-05-2023


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