IFC and MTN South Africa seek to recruit a Mobile Money (MoMo) Customer Acquisition and Activation firm for a period of up to 9 months to effectively: 1. Prospect, identify, engage, educate, and recruit MoMo customers for MTN in assigned areas through activation activities on the ground countrywide. 2. Reactivate dormant MoMo customers and help them to transact and remain active on the MoMo platform. 3. Increase transactional activity of the MoMo agents by driving customer flow to the agent outlets. 4. Drive awareness of MoMo’s value-add services like merchant payments and savings. Scope: The firm will be responsible for the following activities: - Customer Education, Recruitment, Activation, Reactivation and Promotion of MoMo services: • Identify areas with high potential for new customers as well those with large numbers of dormant customers with the help of data from MTN. • Recruit, train, deploy and supervise a team of activators/promoters to carry out Below- The-Line (BTL) marketing activities in specified areas. • Plan and roll out customer-facing BTL activities in strategic localities including townships and rural areas. These initiatives will have to consider prevailing local conditions and public health guidelines. They may take various forms including one-on-one customer engagement, localized activation events, outlet-based customer engagement/promotions and any other proven customer acquisition and education approaches. • Carry out adequate and relevant venue and event branding with MTN MoMo material. The application and combination of branding material and merchandise shall be informed by MTN branding guidelines. • Ensure that all new customers get their MoMo accounts activated, get educated on the benefits and use of MoMo, and are guided through their initial successful transaction(s). • Ensure customer compliance on Anti Money Laundering (AML) and Know Your Customer (KYC) through training and sensitization. • Engage dormant MoMo customers to understand reasons for dormancy, help resolve the issues and achieve reactivation of the dormant accounts by facilitating at least one transaction. • Provide regular feedback on the reasons for dormancy, customers’ concerns and preferences, and suggestions for improvement from the customers. - Increase of Agent Transactional Activity and Promotion of MoMo Value Added Services: • Ensure that customer recruitment, education, and promotion activities are centered around the agent outlets to create a relationship and familiarity between MoMo agents and customers. • Ensure the agents understand their value proposition and make investments in liquidity and good service to increase their MoMo transactions and commission income. • Promote all MoMo value added services to customers within and around the agent outlets to increase their trial and adoption. • Provide regular feedback on the impact of all localized activities on the agents’ MoMo transaction volumes and values. Project Country: • ZA - South Africa. Please confirm the closing date. (Oferta №82151822es)


País: South Africa
Idioma: EN
Número: 82151822
Fecha de publicación: 13-04-2023


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