Proposals are hereby invited for the appointment of a suitable service provider to develop guidelines for Skills Development Providers (SDPS) on the implementation of Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) for credit against the PSETA accredited public administration qualifications. The main objectives of the study are to: a) Assess the existing RPL assessment tools utilised by the PSETA accredited SDPs who have implemented PSETA funded RPL programmes; b) Evaluate the alignment of the existing RPL assessment tools to the DPSA RPL policy directive; c) Evaluate the RPL evidence collection requirements adopted by SDPs conducting RPL for credit against the PSETA accredited Public Administration qualifications; d) Ascertain the best practices to be adopted when conducting RPL against PSETA accredited Public Administration qualifications; e) Align the PSETA RPL Guidelines for SDPs to the DPSA and SAQA RPL assessment mechanisms and processes; f) Compile PSETA RPL Implementation Guidelines to be utilised by PSETA accredited SDPs when conducting RPL assessments to award credits against the PSETA Public Administration qualifications; g) Capacitate PSETA staff on the implementation guidelines. The appointed service provider will be required to: - Conduct an in-depth policy and document analysis on the implementation of and implications of RPL in the Public Service sector. - Undertake an analysis and review of, but not limited to the following sources of data: • Public Service Act (1994) and Public Service Regulations (2016); • National Qualifications Framework Act, 2008 (Act 67 of 2008); • RPL Coordination Policy (Ministry of Higher Education and Training, 2016); • Level Descriptors for the South African National Qualifications Framework (SAQA, 2012) (and any subsequent amendments); • Public Service Human Resource Development Strategic Framework; and • National Policy and Criteria for the Implementation of Recognition of Prior Learning (as amended in 2019); • DPSA Directive on Policy Guidelines and Procedure for the Implementation of RPL in the public service; - Provide an assessment of whether the RPL assessment tools for SDPs are clearly aligned to the national policy and criteria; - A brief assessment of the relevance and or strengths/weaknesses of the PSETA RPL moderation/verification tools and processes; - The identification of gaps between the SDP RPL assessment tool and their impact and close such gaps by developing a fit for purpose guideline document to be utilised by SDPs to implement RPL on behalf of the PSETA. (Oferta №81165177es)


País: South Africa
Idioma: EN
Número: 81165177
Fecha de publicación: 28-03-2023


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