The City of uMhlathuze requests quotations for the following: Maintenance of 11 KV Breakers; Qty: 1000. Service provider to service/maintenance 11kV Alstom Circuit Breakers at Hercules substation. Breaker specifications: Name: Alstom Vacuum Switchgear; Type: SBV4E/800/25/S1; Voltage: 12kV; Normal Current: 1250A/800A; Frequency: 50Hz; Mass: 190Kg/250Kg; Lighting Impulse Withstand voltage: 95kV; Short circuit breaking current: 25kA; Duration of Short circuit: 3seconds; DC Component: 37%; Er: E2; Operating sequence: 0 – 3MIN/SEC – CO 3MIN - CO; Trip coil: 110V DC; Spring release coil: 110V DC; Rated motor voltage: 110V Dc; Name: Alstom Vacuum Switchgear; Type: SBV4E/2000/31/5-S; Voltage: 12kV; Normal Current: 2000A; Frequency: 50Hz; Mass: 250Kg; Lighting Impulse Withstand voltage: 95kV; Short circuit breaking current: 31.5kA; Duration of Short circuit: 3seconds; Rated peak withstand current: 79kA; Trip coil: 110V DC; Spring release coil: 110V DC; Rated motor voltage: 110V Dc; Note: - Service provider is required to repair and service a total of seven 11 kV Alstom breakers (two 1250A and five 800A); - You will be required to test all breakers and produce evidence (test Results). Service provide to also ensure the following is done on breakers: - Repair spring charging mechanism; - Check and inspect mechanism clean and lubricate mechanism; - Check alignment of mv circuit breaker; - Check and inspect cluster; - Check and inspect bushings clean mv circuit breaker; - Check and inspect all bolts and nuts; - Check and inspect earthing bar of mv circuit breaker; - Check the wear gap; - Check and test closing and opening coils; - Check and top up sf6 gas; - Speed testing of mv circuit breaker; - Ductor testing trip test on the mv breaker from the relay. (Oferta №80548359es)


País: South Africa
Idioma: EN
Número: 80548359
Fecha de publicación: 19-03-2023


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