Magalies Water Board seeks to employ a Professional Service Provider to carry out a Comprehensive Process Audit as set out in the Blue Drop Certification Criteria for Klipdrift Water Treatment Work and Wallmansthal Water Treatment Work. Scope of work: The scope of work must incorporate the detailed snapshots of the following: • The flow profile through the audited systems with a critical focus on the identification and justification of water losses; • A holistic overview of the respective Process Performances including critical equipment; • Treatment plants efficiency evaluation based on treatment of contaminants and disposal of residues; • The individual unit processes performance evaluation with reference to their design capacities and identification of limiting factors; • A review of the staff compliance as per the system classification i.e. Klipdrift WTW and Wallmansthal WTW, respectively; • A review of historical operational data and performance analysis of each WTW (i.e. Klipdrift WTW and Wallmansthal WTW); • A detailed report per system which will incorporate the summary of findings that are prioritized and the recommendations to address those identified findings. Please confirm the closing time as it was not published. (Oferta №79415779es)


País: South Africa
Idioma: EN
Número: 79415779
Fecha de publicación: 10-03-2023


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2023 FET Gweedore SMP APP 06a & 06b Provision of electrical apprentice work bays Fuente: ETenders

Kilkenny LEADER Partnership (KLP) propose to contract a party to provide support and leadership as a temporary coordinator (May to Dec 2023) to the Lingaun Valley Tourism region. Fuente: ETenders

The municipality hereby invites interested and qualifying community members to submit their applications and proposals for the first phase of the disposal of erven for the following residential and business erven: alienation and development of the following vacant portions of land: Disposal of immovable property: • Extension 28: 1. Erven Number: 10530, Minimum offer: R33 750.00, Property description: Residential - Extension 28, Extent/meter squared: 450; 2. Erven Number: 10534, Minimum offer: R33 750.00, Property description: Residential - Extension 28, Extent/meter squared: 450; 3. Erven Number: 10536, Minimum offer: R30 975.00, Property description: Residential - Extension 28, Extent/meter squared: 413; 4. Erven Number: 10545, Minimum offer: R30 000.00, Property description: Residential - Extension 28, Extent/meter squared: 400; 5. Erven Number: 10828, Minimum offer: R30 150.00, Property description: Residential - Extension 28, Extent/meter squared: 402; 6. Erven Number: 10829, Minimum offer: R30 825.00, Property description: Residential - Extension 28, Extent/meter squared: 411; 7. Erven Number: 11421, Minimum offer: R31 950.00, Property description: Residential - Extension 28, Extent/meter squared: 426; 8. Erven Number: 11428, Minimum offer: R30 675.00, Property description: Residential - Extension 28, Extent/meter squared: 409; 9. Erven Number: 11464, Minimum offer: R47 475.00, Property description: Residential - Extension 28, Extent/meter squared: 633; 10. Erven Number: 11472, Minimum offer: R47 475.00, Property description: Residential - Extension 28, Extent/meter squared: 633; 11. Erven Number: 11473, Minimum offer: R47 775.00, Property description: Residential - Extension 28, Extent/meter squared: 637; 12. Erven Number: 11474, Minimum offer: R47 775.00, Property description: Residential - Extension 28, Extent/meter squared: 637; 13. Erven Number: 11475, Minimum offer: R47 775.00, Property description: Residential - Extension 28, Extent/meter squared: 637; 14. Erven Number: 11476, Minimum offer: R47 775.00, Property description: Residential - Extension 28, Extent/meter squared: 637; 15. Erven Number: 11477, Minimum offer: R47 775.00, Property description: Residential - Extension 28, Extent/meter squared: 637; 16. Erven Number: 11478, Minimum offer: R47 775.00, Property description: Residential - Extension 28, Extent/meter squared: 637; 17. Erven Number: 11480, Minimum offer: R49 050.00, Property description: Residential - Extension 28, Extent/meter squared: 654; 18. Erven Number: 11481, Minimum offer: R46 875.00, Property description: Residential - Extension 28, Extent/meter squared: 625; 19. Erven Number: 11482, Minimum offer: R46 875.00, Property description: Residential - Extension 28, Extent/meter squared: 625. • List of vacant business erven at Extension 25 & 28: 1. Erven Number: 10453, Minimum offer: R261 180.00, Property description: Business - Extension 28, Extent/meter squared: 1 451; 2. Erven Number: 11518, Minimum offer: R291 960.00, Property description: Business - Extension 28, Extent/meter squared: 1 622; 3. Erven Number: 11739, Minimum offer: R339 840.00, Property description: Business - Extension 28, Extent/meter squared: 1 888; 4. Erven Number: 7114, Minimum offer: R323 460.00, Property description: Business - Extension 25, Extent/meter squared: 1 797; 5. Erven Number: 8892, Minimum offer: R2 762 700.00, Property description: Business - Extension 25, Extent/meter squared: 27 627; 6. Erven Number: 6954, Minimum offer: R1 500 000.00, Property description: “Residential 3”, Extent/meter squared: 13 102; 7. Erven Number: 4487, Minimum offer: R1 500 000.00, Property description: “Residential 3”, Extent/meter squared: 13 022. • List of light vacant erven at Huhudi Industrial Site: 1. Erven Number: 4862, Minimum offer: R114 400.00, Property description: Business, Extent/meter squared: 572; 2. Erven Number: 4863, Minimum offer: R114 400.00, Property description: Business, Extent/meter squared: 572; 3. Erven Number: 4864, Minimum offer: R82 800.00, Property description: Business, Extent/meter squared: 414; 4. Erven Number: 4867, Minimum offer: R 115 000.00, Property description: Business, Extent/meter squared: 575; 5. Erven Number: 4876, Minimum offer: R171 180.00, Property description: Business, Extent/meter squared: 951; 6. Erven Number: 2687, Minimum offer: R1 169 820.00, Property description: Business, Extent/meter squared: 6 499; • List of vacant business erven at Vryburg (town): 1. Erven Number: 1181, Minimum offer: R133 020.00, Property description: Business, Extent/meter squared: 739; 2. Erven Number: 2123, Minimum offer: R263 160.00, Property description: Business, Extent/meter squared: 1462; 3. Erven Number: 2494, Minimum offer: R329 400.00, Property description: Business, Extent/meter squared: 1830; 4. Erven Number: 2502, Minimum offer: R403 740.00, Property description: Business, Extent/meter squared: 2243; 5. Erven Number: 2551, Minimum offer: R140 000.00, Property description: Business, Extent/meter squared: 700; • Erven at Vryburg (town) industrial site: 1. Erven Number: 2938 (NLM), Minimum offer: R1 151 040.00, Property description: 12 Veldman Street, Industrial Site, Extent/meter squared: 9592; 2. Erven Number: 2939 (NLM), Minimum offer: R999 000.00, Property description: 10 Veldman Street, Industrial Site, Extent/meter squared: 8325; 3. Erven Number: 2940 (NLM), Minimum offer: R1 083 000.00, Property description: 08 Veldman Street, Industrial Site, Extent/meter squared: 9025; 4. Erven Number: 2941 NLM), Minimum offer: R1 167 240.00, Property description: 06 Veldman Street, Industrial Site, Extent/meter squared: 9727; 5. Erven Number: 2942 NLM), Minimum offer: R1 180 560.00, Property description: 04 Veldman Street, Industrial Site, Extent/meter squared: 9838; 6. Erven Number: 2944 NLM), Minimum offer: R1 042 440.00, Property description: 01 Veldman Street, Industrial Site, Extent/meter squared: 8687; 7. Erven Number: 2945 (NLM), Minimum offer: R1 247 160.00, Property description: 03 Veldman Street, Industrial Site, Extent/meter squared: 10393; 8. Erven Number: 2946 (NLM), Minimum offer: R1 296 600.00, Property description: 05 Veldman Str. Industrial Site, Extent/meter squared: 10805; 9. Erven Number: 2947 (NLM), Minimum offer: R1 178 160.00, Property description: 09 Veldman Street, Industrial Site, Extent/meter squared: 9818; 10. Erven Number: 2948 (NLM), Minimum offer: R1 087 920.00, Property description: 09 Veldman Street, Industrial Site, Extent/meter squared: 9066; 11. Erven Number: 2949 (NLM), Minimum offer: R1 059 120.00, Property description: 11 Velman Street, Industrial Site, Extent/meter squared: 8826; 12. Erven Number: 2950 (NLM), Minimum offer: R1 879 800.00, Property description: 19 Crossby Street, Industrial Site, Extent/meter squared: 15665; 13. Erven Number: 2951 (NLM), Minimum offer: R 597 240.00, Property description: 21 Crossby Street, Industrial Site, Extent/meter squared: 4266; 14. Erven Number: 2952 (NLM), Minimum offer: R774 620.00, Property description: 23 Croossby Street, Industrial Site, Extent/meter squared: 5533; 15. Erven Number: 2953 (NLM), Minimum offer: R486 780.00, Property description: 25 Crossby Street, Industrial Site, Extent/meter squared: 3477; 16. Erven Number: 2955 (NLM), Minimum offer: R1 845 100.00, Property description: 20 Harry Jofffe Street, Industrial Site, Extent/meter squared: 18451; 17. Erven Number: 2956 (NLM), Minimum offer: R1 889 760.00, Property description: 18 Harry Joffe Street, Industrial Site, Extent/meter squared: 15748; 18. Erven Number: 2957 (NLM), Minimum offer: R1 828 440.00, Property description: 16 Harry Joffe Str. Industrial Site, Extent/meter squared: 15237; 19. Erven Number: 2960 (NLM), Minimum offer: R 1 559 040.00, Property description: 10 Harry Joffe Street, Industrial Site, Extent/meter squared: 12992. Please confirm the contract number. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply and deliver history forms - kalamazoo/Supply and deliver laundry lists – Kalamazoo. Contract period: Non-contract. Province: KwaZulu-Natal. Department: Department of Health. Division: Central Supply Chain Management. Place where goods/service is required: Dundee Hospital. Please confirm the description as two descriptions were published. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Addendum: Amendment to Documents: Development Bank of Southern Africa invites tenders for the following: Appointment of a contractor for the construction of Sidingulwazi Primary School on behalf of the Kwa-Zulu Natal Department of Education. The project needs to be implemented in a phased approach, phases will dovetail with some overlap and is foreseen to be as follows: - Phase 1: Construction of Grade 1 to 3, Grade 4 to 7 classroom blocks together with and temporary fence to separate the current school activities from the construction activities. - Phase 2A: Relocation of school into new building facilities. Demolishing of Grade R ablution and all prefabricated structures and removal of new prefab structures from site. - Phase 2B: Construction of new Grade R classrooms, Administration building, SNP Kitchen, Teams teaching, guards house, perimeter fence, refuse area and parking. - Phase 2C: Convert existing Grade R classroom into 3 standard classrooms, including for construction of play field and landscaping. Please confirm the closing time as three closing times were published. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Proposals are hereby invited for the following: Humanitarian Response Programming and Capacity Building. Purpose of the consultancy: Save the Children South Africa (SCSA) seeks to appoint an expert specialised in Humanitarian Response programming on a consultancy basis to rollout two-day training workshops for identified stakeholders in Durban, KZN on Core Humanitarian Principles. This pre and post disaster capacity building is aimed at ensuring that Government officials and CSO’s are adequately prepared to respond in an appropriate and timely manner when small and large scale disasters occur. Scope of work: I. Review Save the Children’s Humanitarian Principles content and finalize final training content for 2 day workshop aimed at government officials and CSOs (Estimated 1 day); II. Facilitate 2 day workshops on Core Humanitarian Principles arranged by SCSA (6 days); III. Provide training/workshop reports reviewing pre- and post-assessment data (3 days); IV. Develop a training guide for SCSA for the workshop content (3 days). Location: South Africa. Duration of appointment 2 months. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS