Sedibeng TVET College (SEDCOL) in collaboration with the Purchasing the Consortium Southern Africa (PURCO SA) hereby invites experienced service providers for the following: Appointment of the contractor for the supply and installation of two (2) steel water storage tanks Vereeniging Campus - Sedibeng TVET College. (Oferta №78625692es)


País: South Africa
Idioma: EN
Número: 78625692
Fecha de publicación: 26-02-2023


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Acceso completo
Contract de furnizare asfalt Fuente: SEAP

Maintenance of multimedia projectors and electronic boards in schools and departments of the Ministry of Education (for a period of three years) Fuente: Tender Board - Kingdom of Bahrain

Delivery of a Diploma in Leadership for Agriculture and Food sector & potential development of Masters programme Fuente: ETenders

Managed Laboratory Services for Children's Health Ireland (CHI) - Presentation Day Notification Fuente: ETenders

The National Department of Health invites national NGOs, i.e. NGO"s that have operations in three or more provinces to apply for funding to strengthen service delivery in four priority areas as outlined in the Negotiated Service Delivery Agreement (NSDA) of the Department of Health. The four priority areas in the NSDA are: Improving life expectancy; combating HIV & AIDS; reducing the burden of disease from TB and strengthening of the health system effectiveness. In line with the national strategy to expand service coverage and reach most at risk and under serviced communities, groups and individuals, the focus of the funding will be targeted at expanding coverage of areas with high HIV and high TB burden aimed at supporting the department to reach the 95, 95, 95 Surge Plan targets. The programme design in the proposals must comprehensively be Prevention Strategies that maximize equitable and equal access to HIV, TB and STIs and solutions: • Increase knowledge, attitudes and behaviours that promote HIV prevention; • Reduce new HIV infections by optimizing the implementation of high impact HIV prevention interventions; • Promote elimination of Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV; • To ensure that 95% of People Living with HIV especially Key Populations and Priority Populations on HIV, TB, Viral hepatitis and STI know their status; • Strengthen TB prevention interventions for Key and Priority Populations. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Sedibeng TVET College (SEDCOL) in collaboration with the Purchasing the Consortium Southern Africa (PURCO SA) hereby invites experienced service providers for the following: Appointment of the contractor for the supply and installation of one (1) steel water storage tanks Heidelberg Campuses - Sedibeng TVET College. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS