Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply and Delivery of General Store Consumables. Specifications: - Toilet paper, 48 per pack x 20 packets. - Kitchen paper towel x 20 packets. - Washing powder, Maq x 90. - Air freshener x 90. - Long bar bath soup (Puritan) x 400. - Hair shampoo, 2 in 1 x 90. - Jumbo rolls, double x 30. - Jumbo rolls x 30. Delivery address: ARC-Onderstepoort Veterinary Institute (ARCOVI), 100 Old Soutpan Road (M35), Private Bag X05, Onderstepoort, 0110. (Oferta №75419907es)


País: South Africa
Idioma: EN
Número: 75419907
Fecha de publicación: 10-01-2023


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Acceso completo
Proposals are hereby invited for the appointment of a service provider/consultant to develop the freight road to rail migration plan for the Department of Transport for a period of twelve (12) months. The scope of work to be undertaken includes the following: - Develop an extensive Freight Road to Rail Migration Plan in consultation with all relevant implementing agencies such as Department of Public Enterprise (DPE), Transnet (Transnet Freight Rail), private sector and Treasury. - Create extensive guidelines for the cargo types, tonnages that a rail friendly that should ideally migrate to rail. - Create a database/spread sheet of all industry players (commodities) willing to migrate to rail as of 2022-2023 and further all those willing to consider the movement. - Analyse all current commodities that have migrated to rail in the last 5 years, based on the RFS and the Transnet migration plan. - Look into the current challenges caused by the overburdened road infrastructure. - Develop a Best Practice analysis of developing countries road-rail freight split, and the equitable share on the land surface transportation of freight. - Give an in-depth analysis on the probabilities of the split based on the current economic down turn as well as the envisaged growth in some industries, experts and imports as well as cross border movements. - Provide an in-depth analysis of the current challenges and inhibitions of the rail sector in taking on commodities currently on road. This should look into the infrastructure, investments, slots, capacity and the will from the rail sector to take on more commodities. Consideration must be given to the prioritisation of such movements as per Transnet’s current appetite and capacity. - A thoroughly defined Plan on the migration, the timeframes, industries, commodities, tonnages, origin and destination pairs, corridors, routes and cross border movements. - Guidelines on the prioritization strategy with practical timelines. - Stakeholder consultative plan (internal and external). - Provide reports on all steps on the project (internal and external). - Develop an extensive and detailed implementation plan. - Identification of challenges, shortfalls that might be faced in the implementation of the plan. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Appointment of a service provider to provide training for the ETDP SETA Occupational Health and Safety Committee Members. Scope of work: The service provider will provide Training to the ETDP SETA OHS committee on the following area: - Occupational Health and Safety Act 85 of 1993. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Written quotations are hereby invited for the following: Training of 07 learners in Event Management. Specifications: Name of training: Event Management: 1. Numbers of learners = 07 learners, 2. Duration of training = 5 days, 3. Conduct assessment of learners at the end of the training, 4. Certification of competent learners at the end of the assessment, 5. Registration of learners on the National Learners Registration Database. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Proposals are hereby invited for the following: Appointment of a service provider to conduct skills audit and develop a comprehensive skills plan for the Department of Public Service and Administration. The Service provider will be required to conduct the skills audit by: - Providing an overview of strategic and critical skills needs that will enable the Department to deliver on its objectives and mandate; - Conducting an assessment of all occupations in DPSA, linked to Organizing Framework of Occupations Classification System (OCS) and their skills requirements; - Determining the current skills of the DPSA staff and highlight possible gaps; - Identifying the skills gaps and recommending targeted training and skills development interventions for every employee; - Developing skills profiles of individual employees; - Generating, presenting and submitting a skills audit report; - Transfer skills through Capacity Building to officials within the Directorate: Human Resource; - Administration on conducting skills audits, and Developing a sustainable Human Resource Development strategy and Implementation Plan for the Department. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

uThukela Water (Pty) Ltd hereby invites tenders for the following: Supply, delivery, installation and maintenance of 9KVA silent generator, Quantity: 01. Specifications: • Supply new silent 9KVA generator; • Supply Auto transfer switch panel; • Supply 12 way surface mounted distribution board; • Supply circuit breakers to new distribution board; • Supply cables to connect to server room distribution board (+/- 8 meters); • Mount steel plate, chain and padlock for generator; • Supply 2 x digital timers in main generator; • Labour for installation and wiring; • Commission system; • Supply 20 litres of diesel; • Maintenance as required. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

The Human Resources Department requests quotations from the service providers to provide a services of employee work experience and qualification and background checks or screening for a period of 36 months as and when required by uThukela Water Pty Ltd. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS