Sourcing of Health Care Consulting/ Medical Aid Scheme Brokerage, Funeral Scheme Brokerage, Employee and Financial Wellness Service Provider (Oferta №74744192es)


País: South Africa
Idioma: EN
Número: 74744192
Fecha de publicación: 03-12-2022


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Acceso completo
DPD073/2022 - Tender for the Appointment of a Service Provider to Prepare a Cost Benefit Analysis and a Proposed Leasing Model for the Lease of the Investment Properties of George Municipality Fuente: SA-Tenders

ERRATUM FOR INVITATION OF BID ADVERTISED ON 02 NOVEMBER 2022: Appointment of an accredited SAGE 300 people (payroll & human resources) and SAGE 300 (accounting & ERP) service provider for the provisioning of the software licenses, design, build, configuration, testing, software assurance and deployment including a five-year (05) maintenance and support agreement for the solution to be hosted at the SANC data centre environment Fuente: SA-Tenders

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Appointment of service provider to translate and print the national policy on extension and advisory services into ten official languages, which are: Afrikaans, Setswana, Sesotho, Sepedi, Xitsonga, Siswati, Tshivenda, isiXhosa, isiZulu and Isindebele Fuente: SA-Tenders

Service, repairs and maintenance of HVAC equipment at various health clinics, community health centres (CHC), motuaries and hospitals situated in Dr Ruth Segomotsi Mompati district, North West Province for a period of three (03) years (36 months) Fuente: SA-Tenders