The Elundini Local Municipality is requesting proposals for the provision of translation and editing services. The municipality requires services of a qualified and experienced service provider to translate and edit municipal material as required for a period of three (3) years. Scope of work / deliverables • Translate municipal material from source language to any of the four languages used by the municipality, i.e. isiXhosa, southern seSotho, English & Afrikaans; • Develop Braille material whenever needed; • Provide translation services for the deaf whenever necessary; • Provide content review services to check if: - The draft translation is complete; - The contents and terminologies are accurate, and if the text function meets needs; - The grammar, spelling and figure of speech are correct, and If the language usage is appropriate; - It complies with the client"s agreement about the quality of finished translation; - The translator"s notes are appropriate; - The formats, punctuations, and symbols of the draft translation are correct; • Proofread type script after revision to ensure that there are no errors and omissions; • Carry out final checking in accordance to the source text and with client requirements. (Oferta №73684563es)


País: South Africa
Idioma: EN
Número: 73684563
Fecha de publicación: 17-11-2022


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