Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Lift inspector for annexure B inspection on 7 x Travelators, 20 x escalators and 20 x elevators at O.R. Tambo International Airport for Airports Company of South Africa. Scope of works: 1. There are 35 Travelators/Passenger conveyors at OR Tambo International Airport and currently there is only one (1) Travelator that is operational (i.e., Travelator IPM02), and the other 34 Travelator are mothballed (Switched off). The Inspector required will only do Inspection on the seven (7) Travelators needed for phase 1 April 2022 people mover start-up that are currently mothballed. These travelators are required to support airport operations continuity. 2. There are 102 elevators/lifts at OR Tambo International Airport and currently there is 58 elevators that are operational across all terminals, and the other 44 elevator are mothballed (Switched off). The Inspector required will only do Inspection on the twenty (20) elevators needed for phase 1 April 2022 people mover start-up that are currently mothballed. These elevators are required to support airport operations continuity. 3. There are 95 escalators/Passenger conveyors at OR Tambo International Airport and currently there are 36 escalators that is operational, and the other 59 escalators are mothballed (Switched off). The Inspector required will only do Inspection on the twenty (20) escalators needed for phase 1 April 2022 people mover start-up that are currently mothballed. These travelators are required to support airport operations continuity. (Oferta №61216099es)


País: South Africa
Idioma: EN
Número: 61216099
Fecha de publicación: 01-05-2022


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