Quotations are hereby invited for Diepsloot sewer pipeline and bridges repairs, Bridge 2 site securing works. Specifications: Make the site safe by completing activities that were left incomplete during the previous construction phase and currently compromising the safety of the site. The project consists of the following: • Backfilling of open excavations within site, • Removal of temporary bridge crossing for the river to flow free, • Removal of the existing fence, • Installation of the fence around the laydown area using stockpiled material. The primary activities of the project entail the following: • Backfilling of open excavations, • Removal of temporary river crossing, • Backfilling of the diversion bridge deck 1 excavation & under deck 2, • Backfilling of Column 03 excavation. • Backfilling of open GRP excavation at CH660, • Backfilling of discharge channel excavation from CH660 to the river, • Closing of Pipe Jacking Sleeve opening with boarding, • Repairs to broken live sewer pipeline (160mm), • Removal of the existing fence, • Installation of the fence around the laydown area using stockpiled material. (Oferta №116964214es)


País: South Africa
Idioma: EN
Número: 116964214
Fecha de publicación: 31-12-2024


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