Re-Advertisement of contract number: DBNQ - 32193490. Quotations are hereby invited for SAPS: New Ark: Fault finding and repair/replace 26 perimeter floodlights. Please confirm the contract number. (Oferta №115191862es)


País: South Africa
Idioma: EN
Número: 115191862
Fecha de publicación: 02-12-2024


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Procurement of Lentil of best quality in small grain, Best quality soybean oil (brand) & Empty Gunny and Plastic Bags. Fuente: Central Procurement Technical Unit

Procurement of Ball Valve & Needle Valve. Fuente: Central Procurement Technical Unit

Тавилга, эд хогшил /дотуур байрны суралцагчийн ор, багш ажилтны ширээ сандал/ Fuente: Төрийн худалдан авах ажиллагааны цахим систем

Гэрэлт гарц байршуулах Fuente: Төрийн худалдан авах ажиллагааны цахим систем

Tenders are hereby invited from suitably qualified and experienced service providers to provide professional event management services for the client for a period of 36 months. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the supply and delivery of various Bromma spares for Durban MPT Terminal at the Port of Durban - once off. Specifications: 1. Shaft assembly type lifting application EH5U spreader P/N: 45596 Bromma x 8; 2. Chain, safety; type: pin; P/N: 85482, Bromma; catalogue: HLZ 4.5-2L=250, Bromma x 4; 3. Connector, receptacle, electrical; type: ODU, connector type: male insert; P/N: 74410, Bromma; as per Bromma spares list x 6; 4. Buffer; type: tower stopper, material: rubber; P/N: 47804, Bromma; Bromma spreader - liebherr mobile crane x 16; 5. Plate; type: guide, application: Bromma spreader; P/N: 401278, Bromma x 16; 6. Stop, mechanical; type: short assembly, shape: rectangular; P/N: 10504034, liebherr, P/N: 401279, Bromma; 20 stop assy, P/N:401279 x 16; 7. Link, roller chain; type: duplex, material: steel; P/N: JP124776, Bromma x 4. Please note that this quotation was published late. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS