Information is requested for a wayfinding, indoor navigation solution for visually impaired as specifications. The purpose of the Request for Information (RFI) is to provide the Office of Information and Communication Technology (OICT) with information from the market to identify potential vendors that have the capability to implement the goal of improving accessibility, particularly for persons with disabilities as well as to know its implementation and maintenance budgetary cost with the aim of launching a formal solicitation in the near future. The service provider shall facilitate the navigation of buildings on the UNHQ campus for staff and visitors, and provide the individual with relevant information related to their route by implementing a ready to-use beaconless indoor navigation solution with enough positional accuracy and voice turn-by-turn navigation guidance for the visually impaired. The solution should provide enough positional accuracy for indoor navigation by the visually impaired and should require no additional hardware or infrastructure (i.e., beacons) except the associated required application servers and the client devices. Scope: The way-finding system shall be able to accurately locate a person by locating her/his mobile phone and provide non-visual guidance to a set of possible destinations including nearest bathroom (if the bathrooms are separated by gender it shall navigate to the bathroom of the user’s choice), and to a specific conference room or other specific location. The system shall also be able to help a person navigate a preset path such as a path of a tour of the GA building that visitors take and should provide location-based information appropriate to the person’s location, such as a pre-recorded audio describing an exhibit. Beneficiary Country/Territory: Global. Please confirm the closing time as it was not published. (Oferta №114982441es)


País: South Africa
Idioma: EN
Número: 114982441
Fecha de publicación: 28-11-2024


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