Quotations are hereby invited for the supply and delivery of HDPE compressions. Specifications: - 110 x 25 mm Cast Iron UPVC Saddle Clamp x 2; - 110 x 40 mm Compression Saddle Clamp x 1; - 75 x 20 mm Compression Saddle Clamp x 4; - 75 x 25 mm Compression Saddle Clamp x 3; - 85 mm H/D Clamps x 10; - 20 x 20 mm HDPE Compression Female Adaptor x 40; - 20 x 20 mm HDPE Compression Straight Coupling x 200; - 25 mm HDPE Compression Straight Coupling x 200; - 25 mm HDPE Compression Equal Tee x 50; - 25 x 15 mm HDPE Compression Male Adaptor x 10; - 25 x 20 mm HDPE Compression Female Adaptors x 200; - 25 x 20 mm HDPE Compression Male Adaptor x 400; - 32 mm HDPE Compression Straight Couplings x 50; - 32 mm HDPE Compression Equal Tees 90° x 10; - 32 x 20 HDPE Compression Female Adaptor x 10; - 20 x 15 mm HDPE Compression Female Adaptor x 100; - 20 x 15 mm HDPE Compression Male Adaptor x 300; - 32 x 20 mm HDPE Compression Male Adaptors x 10; - 32 x 20 mm HDPE Compression Reducing Coupling x 10; - 32 x 25 mm HDPE Compression Reducing Coupling x 10; - 40 x 40 mm HDPE Compression Male Adaptor x 25; - 40 x 40 mm HDPE Compression Straight Coupling x 50; - 50 x 25 mm HDPE Compression Reducing Coupling x 2; - 50 x 50 mm HDPE Compression Male Adaptor x 50; - 63 mm HDPE Compression Straight Coupling x 20; - 63 x 50 mm HDPE Compression Female Adaptor x 10; - 63 x 50 mm HDPE Compression Male Adaptor x 30; - 75 mm HDPE Compression Straight Coupling x 10; - 90 x 50 mm HDPE Compression Male Adaptor x 2; - 90 x 75 mm HDPE Compression Male Adaptor x 2; - 90 x 75 mm HDPE Compression Reducing Coupling x 1; - 50 mm HDPE Compression Straight Coupling x 50; - 15 mm Copper Compression Tee x 20; - 15 mm Copper Compression Female Iron Elbow x 10; - 22 mm Copper Compression Female Iron Elbow x 4. (Oferta №114976353es)


País: South Africa
Idioma: EN
Número: 114976353
Fecha de publicación: 28-11-2024


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Аймгийн аюулгүйн нөөцөд өвс, ногоон тэжээл нийлүүлэх Fuente: Төрийн худалдан авах ажиллагааны цахим систем

"Тэрбум мод" үндэсний хөдөлгөөний эхний үе шатны дууссантай холбоотойгоор, үр дүн, хэрэгжилтийн талаар хэлэлцүүлэг, нөлөөллийн ажил зохион байгуулах Fuente: Төрийн худалдан авах ажиллагааны цахим систем

Тусгай салбарын албаны бэлэн байдлыг хангах, цагийн байдлын онцлог, болзошгүй нөхцөл байдлаас шалтгаалж салбарыг заасан газарт шилжүүлэн байрлуулахад шаардагдах техник хэрэгсэл худалдан авах Fuente: Төрийн худалдан авах ажиллагааны цахим систем

Quotations are hereby invited for the supply and delivery of sockets and flanges. Specifications: - 15 mm Plastic Hose Bib Tap 16 Bar - with Anti-Slip Clutch x 100; - 150 x 75 mm B/Flgd Tees x 2; - 150 mm x 45° UG PVC Plain Bend x 4; - 200 x 75 mm CI B/Flgd Tees x 1; - 150 x 150 B/Flgd Tees T16 Bar x 2; - 150 mm Plain UG PVC Pipes Socket x 9; - 110 mm x 45° UG Plain Bends x 5; - 110 mm UG PVC Kimberley Socket x 6; - 90 mm Perrot Male Couplers x 6; - 108/75 Male Perret Couplers x 5; - 110 mm x 45° UG Plain Junction x 4; - 110 mm x 45° Rodding Access Cover x 7; - 110 x 90 UG-PVC Plain Bends x 2; - 90 mm Perrot Female Couplers x 3; - 108/75 Female Perret Couplers x 1; - 108/100 Female Perret Coupler x 1; - 15 mm GI Barrel Nipples x 30; - 50 x 25 mm GI Tees x 5; - 50 x 25 mm Galv Red Socket x 1; - 20 mm GI Sockets x 85; - 150 x 110 mm Galv Red Sockets x 3; - 75 x 50 GI Reducing Bushes x 5; - 50 x 20 GI Reducing Bushes x 1; - 25 x 20 mm GI Reducing Bushes x 40; - 300 mm Flanges Weld-on TD GI x 5; - 300 mm Flanges Weld-on T16 GI x 3; - 200 mm Flanges Weld-on T16 GI x 3; - 150 mm Flanges Weld-on TD GI x 2; - 150 mm Flanges Blank T16 GI x 4; - 100 mm Flanges Weld-On T16 GI x 3; - 100 mm Flanges Screw-On T16 GI x 22; - 100 mm Flanges Blank T16 CI x 1; - 75 mm AC End Caps x 1; - 100 mm AC End Caps x 2. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Re-advertisement: Quotations are hereby invited for micro centrifugation tubes with safety lids. Specifications: - 1.5 ml micro centrifugation tubes with safety lids x 10 boxes (1000 units per box). Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Re-advertisement: Quotations are hereby invited for calibration of the BOECO U320R centrifuge x 1. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS