Quotations are hereby invited to cut trees under 11kv line in Empangeni, qty: 50.000. Specifications: Service provider required to cut trees under and next to Empangeni, Ninian’s line, Hillview and ZSM 11kV O.H. Lines and LV lines: 1. Under Ninian’s MV lines, the trees must be totally cut and cut 5 meters wide on both sides of the MV line, then at Hillview, ZSM and Empangeni rail, the trees must be 5 meters under the MV line and LV lines; 2. All debris branches that have been cut must be removed and the area must be clear and tidy; 3. No trees must be cut and fall on the line or damage the conductors, insulators, or any material on structures or lines or break the conductors; 4. If any of the above happen the contractor will be held responsible for any damage to the council property; 5. The service provider will use qualified personnel to execute the work or job. All safety precaution will be taken by the service provider to make sure that the work is carried out with safety; 6. Whenever it is deemed necessary the apparatus will be isolated and earth, and the work permit will be issued to the responsible person; 7. Where it is necessary that the work or cutting of trees must be done above 2m from ground level safety Hannes or safety belt will be used by that person doing the work; 8. There will be no aluminium ladders that will be used except fibre glass ladder will be allowed; 9. The service provider must have their own transport to load and remove all cut branches away from site. (Oferta №114895375es)


País: South Africa
Idioma: EN
Número: 114895375
Fecha de publicación: 27-11-2024


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