Bids are hereby invited for the editing, design, layout and printing of the Annual Reports, Strategic Plan, Operational Plans and Annual Performance Plans, Educational Outcomes of Learners Receiving social protection reports, social budget bulletin and key statistics for social development trends reports for a period of three (3) years. Scope: The editor will be required to proofread and edit the whole document: This will involve: - Heavy editing for spelling, grammar and punctuation; - Correct usage of language (comma splices, misplaced colons, incorrect apostrophes, typographical errors), clarity and consistency; - Bibliographic style; verification of callouts, headings, sequence, and adherence to accuracy and completeness; - Establish consistent use of terminology, spelling, capitalization, italics, hyphenation, abbreviations and number based on GCIS style guide; - Correct errors of grammar, spelling and punctuation; - Ensure that the language and form are appropriate for the intended readers, that there is a logical flow in the discussion, and that information is presented clearly and concisely; - Simplify language where necessary (using short sentences and bullets instead of long paragraphs, use of simple words, etc); - Eliminate unnecessary duplication and repetitions; - Make corrections directly onto digital copies; - Professionally proofread consolidated documents to be sent to the Department for approval. (Oferta №114731826es)


País: South Africa
Idioma: EN
Número: 114731826
Fecha de publicación: 25-11-2024


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