Formal written price quotations from qualified and experienced accredited service providers are invited for the supply and delivery of stationery. Specifications: - Pens (black), same as Bic; - Pens (red), same as Bic; - Pens (Black), same as Pilot; - A4 brown envelopes; - Highlighters (different colours); - Rexel staples; - Document filing sheet, 32 pkt; - Marking pens (black); - Post it notes; - Prestik same as Bostik; - HP pencil; - File folders (different colours); - Sellotape (big), 100mm; - Correctional pens; - Spiral notebooks; - Plastic files (A4); - Rapid S17 staplers; - A4 whiteboards or cards; - USB (memory stick), 16 gig; - A4 different colour printing papers (Cascade 5 x 500 sheets). (Oferta №114226224es)


País: South Africa
Idioma: EN
Número: 114226224
Fecha de publicación: 16-11-2024


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Acceso completo
Formal written price quotations from qualified and experienced accredited service providers are invited for the supply and delivery of cleaning material. Specifications: - Soft broom; - Hard broom; - Mops (heavy); - Gloves (household); - Domestos; - Refuse bag (heavy duty); - Deo blocks; - Dust mask; - Swabs (dish); - Dishcloths; - Furniture polish same as Mr Min; - Yellow duster; - Air freshener. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited from suitably qualifying suppliers (service providers) for certified information security manager training as per specifications. Scope: • Certified Information Security Manager (Including Exams); • Training delivery method: Virtual Classroom; • Exam method: Training Centre; • Language: English. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Formal written price quotations are hereby invited for the Life guard services needed at Ganzekraal Holiday Resort. Services are needed for the following period: - 15 December 2024 – 15 January 2025. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Formal written price quotations from qualified and experienced accredited service providers are invited for the supply and delivery of stationery. Specifications: - Arch files (lever) x 1000; - PVC files, polycarbonate arch files x 200. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the Supply and Deliver: Electrical Items 3. Specifications: 1. Kit Joint 95-85mmx3 H/S Core PILC x 60; 2. Carrier Fuse Legrand Modular CAT005806 x 150. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the supply and delivery of white printing paper A4 for the Client. Specifications: - Boxes A4 white printing paper (80gm²) for finance department, qty: 50; - Boxes A4 white printing paper (80gm²) for all departments, qty: 50; - Total: 100. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS