Tenders are hereby invited for MCT24 standby generator - operations and inspections. Scope: - The contractor will be responsible to conduct tests, inspections and minor repairs work; - The contractor shall have at least 4 qualified artisans to attend to breakdowns and conduct the operational checks during the load shedding; - At least one artisan shall be on standby to receive the request and attend them as soon as possible; - The contractor should have at least 1 diesel mechanic as part of the team; - Contractor shall ensure that the artisans have supervisor who is responsible to lead the team on the ground; - The supervisor shall be permanently stationed at Client FM offices and shall report on daily basis during weekdays; - The supervisor will be responsible for closing the WOs once the job is done; - The contractor shall ensure that he/she receive the load shedding notifications and mobiles his team to attend to any type of power outages; - The contractor will be required to have basic spares to attend to minor repair works found during inspections; - The contractor should be able to add more artisans when required to assist on this contract. (Oferta №112288214es)


País: South Africa
Idioma: EN
Número: 112288214
Fecha de publicación: 16-10-2024


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