Bids are hereby invited for the appointment of a service provider to render cleaning services, hygiene services, fumigation/pest control, and food service aid for department of mineral resources energy Kwa-Zulu Natal Regional Office in Durban for a period of thirty-six (36) months. Scope: - The service provider shall be expected to render cleaning services for the office building, which is comprised of closed and open plan offices, boardrooms/meeting rooms, kitchens, bathrooms, storerooms, printing areas, file achieves, registry offices, receptions, foyers, lift and staircases; - Service provider is expected to perform sweeping, dusting, scrubbing, polishing, wall and furniture wiping, and damp mopping on the daily basis; - The service provider is expected to render vacuum carpet, furniture polish, floor buffing, spots buffing, interior window washing, wall wiping, dust off light fittings, ceiling and air conditioning defuses/vents on weekly and monthly; - The service provider is expected to perform quarterly carpet wash, and it shall be arranged for weekends; - The cleaning services shall be rendered from Monday to Friday during office working hours from 06h30 to 15h00, excluding weekends and public holidays unless where otherwise specified; - The service provider shall deploy a minimum of three (6) cleaners and one (1) supervisor; - The service provider is required to retain one cleaner until 16h00 at each office every day until in cases of as and when the crisis arises. (Oferta №110394864es)


País: South Africa
Idioma: EN
Número: 110394864
Fecha de publicación: 05-09-2024


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