Re-advertisement: Quotations are hereby invited for the appointment of a service provider for the certified Fiber Optic Design (FOD) training. Scope of Work: • Broadband Infraco seeks to appoint a suitable service provider for the provision of Certified Fiber Optic Design Training for two (02) candidates; • The Certified Fiber Optic Design (FOD) certification covers all aspects of a successful Fiber optic system design from network protocols, network configurations, optical cabling, industry communications standards, determination of fiber count, hardware selection, splicing/termination methods, and cable system testing and documentation; • The course must be NQF aligned. Place where goods, works or services are required: Octave Street, Radiokop, Haneydew, 2040. (Oferta №109376204es)

País: South Africa
Idioma: EN
Número: 109376204
Fecha de publicación: 19-08-2024


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Үйлдвэрийн бохирын Ф200 шугам дээр зарцуулалтын хэмжүүр суурилуулах /цахилгаан соронзон мэдрэгч бүхий тоолуур/ Fuente: Төрийн худалдан авах ажиллагааны цахим систем

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Transportation of a motor vehicle from Johannesburg (PRASA) to Durban Station (PRASA). Scope: Transportation of a vehicle from Gauteng to Durban (Umjantshi House, 30 Wolmarans Street Braamfontein, Johannesburg, 2001, Gauteng) to KZN - Durban (65 Masabalala Yengwa Avenue PRASA Regional Office Foyer Area). Vehicle specification: Bodywork: - Body type: 4/5-seater sedan/saloon; - Number of doors: 4. Dimension & weights: - Wheelbase: 2465mm, 97 inches; - Length: 4331 mm, 170.5 inches; - Width: 1689 mm, 66.5 inches; - Height: 1491 mm, 58.7 inches; - Kerb weight: 1055 kg, 2326 lb; - Cylinders: straight, 4; - Engine manufacturer: Proton sedan, 5 speed manual; - Insurance cover: 1; - Vehicle: 1. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Re-Advertisement: Amendment to clarification meeting details. Tenders are hereby invited for the following: Supply, Delivery and Offloading of Coagulants for Magalies Water, Water Treatment Plants for 5 years. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Re-Advertisement: Amendment to clarification meeting details. Tenders are hereby invited for the following: Supply, Delivery and Offloading of Dry Chemicals for Magalies Water, Water Treatment Plants for 5 years. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Re-Advertisement: UMzinyathi District Municipality hereby invites offers from suitably qualified and experienced service providers for the following: Supply and delivery of PPE for LED Unit. Scope: 1. T-Shirts (Navy) – Umzinyathi logo on the left, in scripted Agri-Parks programme on the right; 2. Floppy Hats (Navy) - Umzinyathi logo and in scripted LED and tourism; 3. Shirts (Two-Tone Living Stone Shirts) – Umzinyathi logo on the left, in scripted Agri-Parks programme on the right; 4. 2 Piece work suit (Navy) – Umzinyathi logo on the left, in scripted Agri-Parks programme on the right. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Re-advertisement: Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Appointment of a contractor for Randfontein Station upgrades at corridor 4_Randfontein to Industria in the South Gauteng Region to be done over a period of 3 months. Scope: The high-level scope of work to be executed under this project will include, but not be limited to, the following: • Building of boundary wall and fencing; • Provision for station signage and platform lines; • Provision of new service sleeves and electrical lines on platform 1 & 2; • Refurbishment of parking spaces and installation of parking access control system; • Repair and resurfacing of asphalt to existing platforms; • Installation of platforms furniture’s, bins and shelters; • Paintwork to subways and repair of staircase balustrades; • Maintenance of ticket office building; • Interior works including new flooring, new plasterwork, new brickwork, new drywall, new ceilings installation, new roof installation, HVAC installation and new electrical work; • Installation of bulletproof windows to ticket opening; • Installation of new drainage and plumbing points; • Installation of vandal proof sanitary-ware as per PRASA Blueprint; • Installation of Anti-bandit doors and new safes; • Installation of new roller-shutter doors and ICT services. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS