Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Grass cutting - Group M. Specification: Halls, Airport and Substations: • Service providers to provide a service of grass cutting and litter picking in public parks, cutting grass and herbicide control (as and when required according to square meters at the time) in various areas identified within Umhlathuze Municipality for the period of 6 months. Purpose: • To manage vegetation in and around the airport by growth control of grass, trees, shrubs, and flora in order to improve the safety of aircraft safety and the security of the premises. Scope: 1. Cut and remove all trees and shrubs in the substations; 2. Cut back and remove to 3m clearance from the fence line, all trees and shrubs outside of the Perimeter fence; 3. Rake and remove from the site all loose grass; 4. Trim edges around the substations and spray the pavement and clear storm water drainage; 5. Poison treat weeds and grass along the perimeter fence on both sides of the fence. Frequency of work: 1. Cut and remove all trees and shrubs in the a substations once off and ad hoc; 2. Cut back and remove to 3m clearance from the fence line, all trees and shrubs outside of the perimeter fence once off and ad hoc; 3. Regularly cut grass to 200mm outside of the strip and 100mm within the strip three times in rainy season and twice a month in dry season; 4. Rake and remove from the site all loose grass after cutting of grass; 5. Trim edges around the airfield pavement and clear storm water drainage after cutting grass and ad hoc; 6. Poison treat weeds and grass along the perimeter fence once off and ad hoc; 7. Maintain the landside and airside garden and clean parking daily clean off leaves and debris, resources: - 2 x Self-powered brush cutter; - 2 x Garden spades; - 2 x Garden forks; - 1 x Self-power leaf blower; - 1 x Bakkie; - Miscellaneous garden tools and hand tools to effectively perform the works mentioned. Contract duration: The agreed contract period will be for a period of 6 months. (Oferta №108969352es)


País: South Africa
Idioma: EN
Número: 108969352
Fecha de publicación: 11-08-2024


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