Re-advertisement: The KZN Department of Public Works: Head Office invites bids for the following service: Supply and delivery of refreshments at the Department of Public Works, OR Tambo House, 191 Prince Alfred Street Pietermaritzburg, Head Office. Specifications: - Bakers Eet-Sum-Mor biscuits original flavour, qty: 200G X 20; - Bakers Choice Assorted biscuits, qty: 200G X 20; - Coke Cans, qty: 24 X 8; - Liqui Fruit Cranberry Cooler Cans, qty: 24 X 6; - Clover Long life full cream milk, qty: (1L X 6) X 10; - Jacobs Coffee, qty: 200G X 8; - Nescafe Gold (rich and smooth) coffee, qty: 200G X 6; - Brown Sugar, qty: 5000 X 10; - White Sugar, qty: 5000 X 15; - Five Roses Teabags, qty: 250G X 8; - Freshpak Rooibos Teabags, qty: 200G X 6. Please note that this bid was published late. (Oferta №108730986es)


País: South Africa
Idioma: EN
Número: 108730986
Fecha de publicación: 07-08-2024


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