Expressions of interests are hereby invited for the following: Consultancy Services for Transportation and Movement Specialists. The primary purpose of the resulting contract is to obtain a qualified and certified logistics/movement control specialist(s) who will act as the UN’s agent with TCCs/PCCs during major movements. Additional specialists may be required at trans-shipment points enroute to or within a UN Peacekeeping Mission area. A secondary requirement may include assistance to Movement Control Section Staff on an as-required basis to support surge requirements at UNHQ in New York or in UN Peacekeeping Missions. Essentially the Movements/Transport Specialist will be the UNHQ’s “eyes and ears” on the ground where the transport originates. The duties and responsibilities include liaising with the military and other governmental authorities within the TCC/PCC, providing guidance and assistance to the TCC/PCC, liaising with the UN contractors, providing feedback and information to the UNHQ and UN Peacekeeping Missions, etc, related to the cargo movement. Beneficiary Country/Territory: Global. Please confirm the closing time as it was not published. (Oferta №107857018es)


País: South Africa
Idioma: EN
Número: 107857018
Fecha de publicación: 22-07-2024


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