Correction of contract number NLC/2024-005: Tenders are hereby invited for the following: Appointment of a panel of IT audit service providers in a co-sourced capacity at the National Lotteries Commission for a period of three years. The objectives are as follows: • To provide independent and objective assurance to management and the board regarding the adequacy, efficiency, and effectiveness of internal controls in place. • To ensure that IT audit is conducted in accordance with the International Standards set by the Institute of Internal Auditors. • To review Risk, Ethics and Governance processes and therefore ensure consistency with the NLC values and to improve the image of the NLC. • To assist the organisation in identifying and evaluating significant exposures to risk and contributing to the improvement of risk management. (Oferta №106553657es)


País: South Africa
Idioma: EN
Número: 106553657
Fecha de publicación: 26-06-2024


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