Quotations are hereby invited from suitable and experienced service providers for the following for Umdoni Municipality: Supply and delivery of camera: Specifications: - Canon EOS 90D camera with standard lenses, - EFS 18-135 mm lenses, - Extra battery pack, - 264gb memory card, - Canon camera backpack compatible with camera and lenses kit, - Tripod stand compatible with the camera. (Oferta №104112172es)


País: South Africa
Idioma: EN
Número: 104112172
Fecha de publicación: 08-05-2024


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Наадмын талбайруу цахилгааны шугам татах, холболт хийх Fuente: Төрийн худалдан авах ажиллагааны цахим систем

Аюулт үзэгдэл ослын үед ашиглах хот нийтийн аж ахуйн тусгай зориулалтын техник хэрэгсэл Fuente: Төрийн худалдан авах ажиллагааны цахим систем

Бат-Өлзий сумын ЕБС-ийн бага ангийн сурагчдын үдийн хоол хөтөлбөрийн хүнсний материал худалдан авах Fuente: Төрийн худалдан авах ажиллагааны цахим систем

Гудамжны гэрэлтүүлэг нэмэгдүүлэх Fuente: Төрийн худалдан авах ажиллагааны цахим систем

Proposals are hereby invited for the following: Development of policy and regulatory framework for ICT authorization and e-waste management for Enhancement of Governance and Enabling Environment in the ICT sector (EGEE-ICT) Programme in the EA-SA-IO Region. Scope of Work: - Activity 1: Review the Study Report and other relevant documentation related to policy and regulatory frameworks for authorization and e-waste management; - Activity 2: Develop model policy and regulatory frameworks for authorization and e-waste management; - Activity 3: Prepare Draft policy and regulatory frameworks, undertake stakeholder validation, prepare final policy and regulatory frameworks. Objective: The overall objective is to develop policies and regulations for authorization and e-waste management incorporating the output from the study (study on authorization, universal access, and e-waste management). Specific Objectives: a) Review the study report and other relevant documentation related to policy and regulatory frameworks on authorization and e-waste management. b) Develop model policy and regulatory framework for authorization; c) Develop model policy and regulatory framework for e-waste management. The beneficiaries of the Programme are the 29 countries in the EA-SA-IO Region. The countries are Angola, Botswana, Burundi, Comoros, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Djibouti, Egypt, Eritrea, Eswatini, Ethiopia, Kenya, Lesotho, Libya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, Rwanda, Seychelles, Somalia, South Africa, South Sudan, Sudan, United Republic of Tanzania, Tunisia, Uganda, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. Timelines: The assignment is estimated to be completed within a period of Ninety (90) calendar days, commencing from the date of contract signature. Place of Assignment: Home-based assignment, enabled by electronic communications services such as email and videoconferencing. There will be a travel mission to Lusaka, Zambia, and another travel mission for a stakeholder validation workshop at a venue to be agreed upon. Missions may also be undertaken to selected Member/Partner States and other locations of interest and relevance to the assignment. Countries: EA-SA-IO Region: Angola, Botswana, Burundi, Comoros, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Djibouti, Egypt, Eritrea, Eswatini, Ethiopia, Kenya, Lesotho, Libya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, Rwanda, Seychelles, Somalia, South Africa, South Sudan, Sudan, United Republic of Tanzania, Tunisia, Uganda, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply of Floor Stripper, 5 Litre x 500 Units. Contract period: Once off. Required at: KwaDabeka CHC. Province: KwaZulu-Natal. Division: Central Supply Chain Management. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS