Ugu District Municipality is requesting quotations for the following: Supply and delivery of electrical supplies. Specifications: 1. Fluorescent 4 foot (Osram) LED x 10; 2. A3 scotch cast kit x 10; 3. A1 scotch cast kit x 10; 4. 70mm x 12 crimping lugs x 100; 5. 6.0mm ferrules x 200; 6. 50mm ferrules x 100; 7. 4mm x 10 crimping lugs x 200; 8. 35mm ferrules x 200; 9. 2.5mm x 8 crimping lugs x 200; 10. Surfix cable 2.5mm, 2 core plus earth round - 100m x 2; 11. 2.5mm ferrules x 200; 12. 15 Amp 3 pin plug x 50; 13. E/saver bulb Osram screw type 9w x 50; 14. 10mm x 8 crimping lugs x 200; 15. 1.5mm x 5 crimping lugs x 200; 16. 1.5mm ferrules x 200; 17. Zinc aluminium cold galvanise 400ml x 20; 18. Floatless level relay 11 pin (61F-GP-N2) x 10; 19. A5 scotchcast kit x 5; 20. A2 scotchcast kit x 10; 21. 95mm x 12 crimping lugs x 100; 22. 6mm x 10 crimping lugs x 200; 23. 50mm x 10 crimping lugs x 100; 24. Socket outlet 4 x 4 double monoblock switched 164-1 x 20; 25. 4.0mm ferrules x 200; 26. 25mm ferrules x 200; 27. Surfix cable 2.5mm 4 core plus earth round -100m x 2; 28. 2.5mm x 10 crimping lugs x 200; 29. 16mm ferrules x 200; 30. Daylight switch QS-15 230VAC 15 Amp x 20; 31. E/saver bulb Osram pin type 9W x 50; 32. 10mm ferrules x 200; 33. Surfix cable 1.5mm, 2 core plus earth round -100m x 2; 34. Control float switches triton - LR02 x 10; 35. Term overload relay (45KW Cont) x 5; 36. Overload relay Tesys LRD 365L x 5; 37. CRC CO contact cleaner 400ml x 10; 38. CRC 5-56 multipurpose aerosol 400ml x 10; 39. M8 x 65mm raw bolt x 50; 40. Globes 16W 2D x 10; 41. Fluorescent 5 foot (Osram) LED x 10. Deliver to PRN Stores - PRN No. 2, Preston Road Park Rynie. (Oferta №102671671es)


País: South Africa
Idioma: EN
Número: 102671671
Fecha de publicación: 11-04-2024


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Zimowe utrzymanie jezdni w okresie zimowym 2023/2024 na drogach publicznych i wewnętrznych na terenie Miasta Wodzisławia Śląskiego Fuente:

,,Modernizacja sali gimnastycznej przy SP w Bobrownikach” Fuente:

Zimowe utrzymanie jezdni w okresie zimowym 2023/2024 na drogach publicznych i wewnętrznych na terenie Miasta Wodzisławia Śląskiego Fuente:

Dostawa sprzętu radiokomunikacyjnego Fuente:

,, Oprogramowanie - nadzór autorski, serwis, przedłużenie licencji dla Wojewódzkiego Szpitala im. Św. Ojca Pio w Przemyślu’’ Fuente:

Re-Advertisement: Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Homevale Fire Station: Review of the structural condition of the newly completed fire station building. The services expected from the successful bidder include the following: - Inspection of the constructed building structure for evident defects; - Conduct interviews were deemed necessary with the original design engineer to ascertain considerations, approach, construction monitoring processes and or shortcomings etc; - Independent review of the structural analysis, design and assumptions by project engineer; - Perusal of the Geotechnical Investigation report and assessment of the Geotechnical considerations taken into account in the design; - Suitability of the structural design proposals by the original project consultant; - Checking of the structural drawings including civil engineering services and all considerations affecting the structure (stormwater considerations) of the project consultant; - Should the need arise, arrange for the excavation of trial pits (to analyze the insitu ground conditions) including, taking limited soil samples to send off for testing to determine and or confirm the soil raft properties and existing soils for verification of the suitability of the design proposals; - If deemed necessary, conduct non-destructive/destructive tests of the concrete to see whether the concrete placed on site conforms to the specifications of the consultants and provide comments thereon; - Provide an independent opinion on liability for the structural deficiencies; - Provide an independent assessment of the suitability for occupancy of the building; - Provide recommendation for structural remedial measures to be effected if any to make the building habitable. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS