Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Provision of S03 gallery lights replacements for Transnet SOC Ltd Terminals Richards Bay (TPT RCB) for a period of once off. Location of service: Richards Bay. Please note that this quotation was published late. (Oferta №102122003es)


País: South Africa
Idioma: EN
Número: 102122003
Fecha de publicación: 02-04-2024


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Acceso completo
Sprzedaż i dostawa części do kruszarek żużla HW-050 do EC Siekierki. Fuente: edf.eb2b.com.pl

ZAPYTANIE OFERTOWE - Pełnienie funkcji inspektora nadzoru branży sanitarnej dla remontów i przebudów kanalizacji sanitarnej na trenie miasta Tychy Fuente: edf.eb2b.com.pl

Ugu District Municipality is requesting quotations from a suitable service provider for the supply, delivery and installation of signage items, qty: 1. Specifications: 1. Vinyl window installation, size: 770 x 11.13m with UGU Logo at Oslo Phase 1 Call Centre, 2. Signage notice Board (2100 x 1225 mm) for South Main Margate to Gamalakhe Bulk Water Pipeline project with treated poles, 3. Mission and Vision signage: - 1.32m x 0.58mm (10), - 1.23m x 0.62mm (2), - 1.15m x 0.62mm (2). Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply and install no 1 and no 3 gallery lights for Transnet Soc Ltd Terminals Richards Bay (TPT RCB). Please note that this quotation was published late. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply and delivery of bearing roller to Transnet Port Terminals (Richards Bay). Specifications: - Bearing, roller; P/N: 23144 B-K MB-C3, Fag, P/N: 23144 B-K MB C3, SKF; used on SR1, 2 and 3 boom/incline head pulley similar to SKF, Fag and Timken x 2 ea; - Bearing, roller; P/N: 01 B 180mm.GR, bearings international; type: split, row: double, inside diameter: 110 mm, outside diameter: 265 mm, width: 45 mm; woodchips drive pulleys x 2 ea; - Bearing, roller; P/N: 01 EB, cooper; split; for 160mm pulley shaft diametre; GR location : F02 and M02 conveyor pulley x 2 ea. Please note that this quotation was published late. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Ugu District Municipality is requesting quotations for the following: Supply and delivery of furniture for cashiers office: Specifications: Supply and delivery of the following items: • Draughtsman chair 50x56cm black x 2, • Como mid back chair black x 4, • High back ergonomic office x 1. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS