Suitable and capable service providers are invited to bid for the following: Supply and delivery of working tools for parks and gardens: Specifications: - Steel head brush cutters (equivalent to STIHL), Qty: 6, - Side shooter for lawnmower (equivalent to Z242 to Husqvarna), Qty: 4, - Front tyres for lawnmower (equivalent to Z242 to Husqvarna) 11 x 6.00-5NHS, Qty: 4, - Front pulley cover for lawnmower (equivalent to Z242 to Husqvarna), Qty: 4, - Front roller for lawnmower (equivalent to Z242 to Husqvarna), Qty: 4, - Blades for lawnmower (equivalent to Z242 to Husqvarna), Qty: 10, - Plate brush cutters (equivalent to STIHL), Qty: 3, - GYPA for chainsaw (equivalent to 381 STIHL), Qty: 2. Required by: Emadlangeni Municipality at 34 Voor Street. (Oferta №101367514es)


País: South Africa
Idioma: EN
Número: 101367514
Fecha de publicación: 15-03-2024


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Хүүхдийн хоол Fuente: Төрийн худалдан авах ажиллагааны цахим систем

Тос тосологооны бараа материал худалдан авах Fuente: Төрийн худалдан авах ажиллагааны цахим систем

Өвөл, зуны ажлын тусгай хувцас худалдан авах Fuente: Төрийн худалдан авах ажиллагааны цахим систем

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Proposals are hereby invited for the following: Appointment of a service provider to provide external audit services to Witbank Coalfields Medical Aid Scheme. Scope of services: 1. Perform an audit of annual financial statements in accordance with full IFRS; 2. Express an audit opinion on the financial statements; 3. Perform audits in compliance with International Standards on Auditing (ISAs); 4. Work in conjunction with internal auditors to provide combined assurance to WCMAS on the effectiveness of the internal control systems; 5. Communicate audit findings to management and ensure they are fully aware of the implications to the operations of WCMAS; 6. Review the financial information in the annual integrated report prior to publishing; 7. Review the financial information in the annual statutory return prior to publishing with CMS; 8. Attend and provide input to the Audit and Governance Committee, Board of Trustees and AGM meetings when required; 9. Provide a final audit report/management letter with recommendations to management and the Audit and Governance Committee; 10. Any other statutory and regulatory requirements; 11. Any other ad-hoc review engagements as required by the Scheme (to be assessed and costed as and when required). Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS